Today has been such a busy day, that I'm just thinking

of writing this now, at 10:48 pm. First thing this morning, well, first thing for me, at least, which is everyone else's end of the morning. Anyway, first thing, we went out shopping. We had some stuff we wanted to pick up for all the grand kids, and we did well, and found most of what we were looking for without having to drive all over the place. One store did it, actually. The driving around all over the place occurred when I said that I wanted to go to the sewing machine store to get some replacement needles for my sewing machine. The store is on the other side of the city, but we're really close to the highway here, so it's a fairly quick trip over there, unless, of course, the person who is driving, not me, takes the wrong exit and ends up going in the wrong direction. It meant I got a lot more done on the sock that's showing here, but I never did get those needles.
When we got home, it was time to mix up some ginger bread cookie dough, roll it out and make some ginger bread men cookies. We're all going to decorate them tomorrow, and put them on the Christmas tree, which I think we are doing tomorrow, as well.
Then, I got the Road to Brenham quilt bound. I do it all by machine, so it only took a couple of hours, The binding was already made. And after that, I got all of the colour challenge stuff for the guild organized and my project started. Considering the colour challenge project is due on Thursday, and that I want to take the quilt to the guild meeting for show and tell, it was way past time to get these things done.
In the midst of all this, I've been knitting. That is the third hat I've gotten out of this yarn. I originally ordered it to make Noel, our son, a hat and a scarf, and maybe some gloves, but I didn't really know how much of the yarn to order. Obviously, I ended up with way more than I needed, so I think the other guys in the family might be getting hats, too. I tried the gloves a couple of times, and couldn't get them to work. And then I started to think that maybe gloves made out of alpaca yarn that have to do things like clean off cars might not be such a good plan. So the gloves idea got scrapped. And then, just because I felt like it, and I needed something portable for car trips, and stuff, I started another pair of socks. This is Alpaca Sox yarn from Classic Elite Yarns. It has got to be some of the softest yarn I have ever felt. It's 60% alpaca, 20% merino wool and 20% nylon. I bought 2 skeins of this yellow and turquoise colour, and 2 skeins of a light blue, as well. These are going to feel so good on the feet. I'm finding that the more of these socks I do, the faster I'm getting at it, too. I just started these 3 days ago, and just pick them up whenever I have a minute or two, or when going out in the car. I even took them out to work on in the restaurant the other day, while we were waiting for our lunch.
So, this was our day, very long, and busy, and wonderful. I'm linking up with Judy's
On the Needles. Then I need to take my medications, and maybe knit a bit more before bed.