I’ve put aside all other hand stitching projects to focus on Leo’s Mane. I have decided to offer it as a sew along here on the blog. But, in order to do that, I have to make sure that the blocks I have decided to use in the borders actually work, so that is my focus.
I have two sides of the first English Paper Pieced border done, and it is working quite well.
So, this is the current plan for the project, providing all goes well with the individual blocks. Pictured below is the proposed finished quilt. It is all English Paper Pieced.

I will seriously start taking sign ups for it in August, but if you want to sign up now, by all means go ahead! I’ll need email addresses, since I will need to send out pdf’s of the paper shapes, for those who wish to cut their own. I will have a kit of papers available for those who wish to save the time and get right to sewing, available to purchase.
I will post fabric requirements also in August, and the start posting the instructions in September. I will focus on the instructions for the blocks, but will not be doing actual EPPing instructions. There are tons of those already available in various places. I will search out some links and make them available.
So, what do you think? Anyone interested in sewing along? Email me at eagleswingsquilts@icloud.com or leave a comment on the blog. Make sure you are not a no-reply blogger, so that I have a way to get in touch with you.
I’m linking up to Kathy’s
Slow Sunday Stitching and
Design Wall Monday.
For the rest of the day, I’ll be spending it here, stitching on Leo..... who is named, by the way, for the constellation. Later this afternoon I’ll be joining a small group of ladies from the guild who are going to be sewing in public at the Home County Folk Festival. The festival has a tent/pavillion set up for different artistic organizations in the area to demonstrate who they are and what they do. They invited the guild to participate. So, along with stitching, we’re taking information about the guild, who we are and what we do. I’m hoping the weather will cooperate and that we’ll have a good time.