So I’m continuing with my multiple stitchery disorder this week. But it seems to be a good thing because I’m getting lots accomplished. In fact I have a couple of finishes. First the Leo’s Ring class sample is done and ready to be delivered to the store hosting the class.
The second finish is the embroidery I started last week.

I’m enjoying doing these so much that I’ve started the second block in the series and am well on the way to having it finished. I just have to do the flower shapes. But they are going to take a while since there are a lot of sharp curves that will need very tiny stitches.
I was approached last week by yet another store in the area about doing a class. I don’t want to do duplicate classes since I don’t think that would be fair to the stores. Plus the stores are of a different feel, one being more “modern” focused than the other. With that in mind I’m in the process of designing and stitching yet another new English Paper Piecing sample. This one is using house shapes to achieve a plus sign.
I’m also making good progress on my two “fade" knitting projects. I’m not completely thrilled with the fade transition in colours in the shawl. There is now too much of a contrast between the two yarns, but it is going to stay this way.

The hank of yarn that is as yet unwound is the third colour. Once it is finished and blocked I think it will be OK. Certainly good enough to wear next winter under a coat as a very cozy scarf/shawl.
On the flip side, I am thrilled with the way the colours in my blue sweater are blending. This one is on the home stretch. I’m done with the medium blue on the body and will be going straight ahead with the dark until the body is done.

I love this sweater design. I can see me making multiples of this one. This is the second I’ve started. I also rather enjoy the whole fade/transition thing using different yarns in the same sweater. This could become a trend in my knitting for the next while if for no other reason than to use up all the single hanks of yarn that I ordered in order to try and make the fade in the shawl work. I have four more different pinks now to use up.
I’m heading off now to do some more knitting. I’m linking up with Kathy’s
Slow Sunday Stitching. I hope that all who celebrate Easter will have a wonderful day. We will be spending the morning with our Church family and then the afternoon and evening with family at home.