and I like it. I like the way the small star seems to float in the centre of the large one. If all the stars are like this one, it will be quite a lovely quilt. And now, I have to run and get ready for work.
Friday, 30 September 2011
Fat Quarter Stars Quilt along
and I like it. I like the way the small star seems to float in the centre of the large one. If all the stars are like this one, it will be quite a lovely quilt. And now, I have to run and get ready for work.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Almost did a rant....
done so far. I am quite liking it. I have 3 balls of this stuff, so we'll see how long it will be after all of them have been used. Hopefully long enough to fold in half, and then put it on with the 2 ends pulled through the folded part. I like wearing scarves like that. And it is so soft, that I'm stopping and petting it every so often as I knit. (giggle)
Anyway, enough of that. I didn't get any of my quilty goals done yesterday, so I'm going to try again today to get Noel's Batman quilt loaded and started, and the Fat Quarters Star quilt along block done. Somehow I had it down on my calender that I had to work today, but it turns out that I don't. I feel like I have a bonus day off, so I'm going to go and have some fun with it. And, even better, I don't have to cook today, either, because I made Chicken and Dumplings yesterday, (thanks Denise), and there is more than enough for leftovers today. Bonus!!!
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Surgery Date set.....

Monday, 26 September 2011
Design wall Monday Sept 26
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Stash Report Week 39
Each one of these squares uses up 21 inches of fabric, and pretty quickly, too. It takes longer to cut them out, than to sew them together. And then there are the crumb blocks. I've decided that I'm going to count them as each using 63.4 squares inches of fabric each. That's taking the size of them, 6.5 inches, and adding 50% to allow for seams and trimming. Anyway, on to the numbers:
Used this week: 2.8 yards
Used this year: 105.5 yards
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Purchased this year: 121.5 yards
Balance: 16 yards more purchased than used.
I'm linking up to Judy's Patchwork Times where there are a bunch of other people keeping track of there ins and outs.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Crumb Along....... I'm hooked
The instructions for the second part of the Crumb along went up today, and I felt like playing today. These things are a blast to make. I'm totally hooked. I've done 5 of the stars, and still need to do the hearts. But I had all kinds of stuff there to do regular crumbs with, so I've made a bunch of 3 1/2 inch crumb squares, that I've sewn together to make up 6 1/2 inch squares to go with the geese and the stars. I have no idea where this is going, but it sure is a lot of fun, and is making a teeny dent in my crumb and string pile. I'm figuring out the stash usage for these by figuring out the number of square inches for each of these squares at 6.5 x6.5 to equal 42.25 square inches each. Then I'm adding 50% to allow for all the seams and the trimmings, for a total of 63.5 square inches each. Figuring that out for 14 squares, gives me approximately 2/3 of a yard used up. It sure doesn't look like I've used up that much fabric. And now, I think I'll go back and play some more, and make up some crumb hearts this time. Fun, fun, fun.......
Monday, 19 September 2011
Design Wall Monday Sept 19
I have a couple of things up on my wall right now. Most of it is components for Roll roll cotton boll. The black and purple half square triangles on the right side are parts of the churn dash squares for RRCB. ANd under those are the 5 crumb blocks. But, I'm stalled. I want to start something new. But I'm not sure just what. I've been watching different quilts in the 36 patch quilt along for the last while, and have totally fallen in love with Kathy's I really, really want to do one of these. And then there is a collection of fall themed fabrics, for one of the quilts out of Judy's book Weekend Quilts, that I want to do. ANd then there is Swoon I've seen all kinds of different versions of it, and it is loudly calling my name. I have some novelty fabrics that I've been looking to do something with, a lot of them leftover from making Matt and Becca's Wedding quilt. Here's a pic of some of them, paired up with some
coordinates. The more I look at them, the more I think this might be it. There are others that are a bit more girly and pastels, as well, but I'm not sure if they will work with what I've got so far. To see other design walls, hop on over to Judy's patchwork times where there is lots and lots to see, and cause temptation to quilters wanting ideas and inspiration for new projects, even when not needing ideas and inspiration for new projects. (giggle)
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Stash Report Week 38
This is another 2 week report, since we were up visiting the kids and grandkid last weekend. And there is a big WOOHOO in this one. I have broken the 100 yards used mark. And I'm only 18.8 yards away from breaking even. I've been working rather steadily on the Roll roll cotton boll quilt mystery from Bonnie Hunter, which is no longer a mystery because she published it last year. I've been doing the string pieced neutral setting squares, and they eat up a lot of fabric. I'm not really sure how to figure out exactly how much, though, so I've taken the finished size of the squares, and added 40% to allow for all the seams, and all the trimmings that get hacked off, and thrown away, because they are too small to use for anything else. I'd be interested to know how anyone else figures out amounts for string pieced and crumb blocks.
Fabric used in 2 weeks: 4.9 yards
Fabric used this year: 102.7 yards
Purchased in 2 weeks: 0 yards
Purchased this year: 121.5 yards
Balance: 18.8 yards more purchased than used.
To read more stash reports, check out Patchwork Times.
Fabric used in 2 weeks: 4.9 yards
Fabric used this year: 102.7 yards
Purchased in 2 weeks: 0 yards
Purchased this year: 121.5 yards
Balance: 18.8 yards more purchased than used.
To read more stash reports, check out Patchwork Times.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
A Crumb Along
They measure 6 1/2 inches square. The funny part, or maybe the expected part, is when I finished them, and went back and looked at the posts again, the instructions said to make 2 blocks. As you can see, I read instructions really well.......... not. (giggle). I'm not sure what these will end up as, but they sure are fun. And now, after I finish my second cup of coffee, I'm off to see if I can get the last row of Shakespeare in the Park quilted, and get him off the frame. In the meantime, I'm linking up to Jo's Country Junction where there are a bunch of others also doing the crumb along.
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
W.I.P Wednesday Sept 14
Starts in the last 2 weeks: 2
Finishes: 2
Leaders and enders in progress: 2
Active WIP's 1
Being quilted: Still working on Shakespeare. Only 1 1/2 rows left to do.
Waiting for quilting: 10, Batman got added to the list.
Waiting for binding: 4, no progress there.
Ufo's: 7, RRCB got taken off this list, but My Tweets has been added to it, so the number remains the same.
Nearly deads: 13. There were 11, but I've found a couple more. A Grandmother's Flower Garden that I started years and years ago, and the year 2000 Piecemaker's calender quilt. So, all in all, not bad. At least there is some progress being made. I had promised myself last week, that if I got up to step 4 of the RRCB quilt done, I'd reward myself with a new start. However, I'm having fun with this one, so I'll keep going while the desire to work on it lasts.
I'm going to link up to the other Work in Progress posts over at Freshly Pieced, where there are a few with lists as long as mine.
Too cute not to share.
Monday, 12 September 2011
Design Wall Monday Sept 12
While we were there we did another spot of baby sitting, and can you believe it, but this Grammie forgot her camera at the campsite. I couldn't! There was so much I wanted to photograph, and I forgot the camera. grrrrr. I was so mad at myself. Oh well. This trip out to the campsite made for 4 all together for Avery. Three with us, and one with Becca and Matt. He loves being outside, and is fascinated with watching the leaves blow in the breeze. I think we may have a potential camper here. They came out for supper on Saturday. Scott cooked up some Atlantic salmon over the fire, and then we had some rice and salad. Pretty classy food for camping out. It was really tasty. I'm hoping to get one more camping trip in over our Thanksgiving weekend, in early October. But that will totally depend on the weather. Early October can be gorgeous, especially up there with all the fall colours. If not, we'll stay with Noel and Laurie.
There are lots of pictures of quilts that are a lot more exciting than mine over at Judy's Patchwork Times Go take a look, if you have a few minutes.
Monday, 5 September 2011
Design Wall Monday Sept 5
Ah bliss........ this is the first of 11 days off. There is going to be blog surfing, and quilting, and sewing, and best of all, a trip to visit Noel and Laurie and Avery later this week, and time spent outdoors at the campground, cooking burgers over a fire, and marshmallows, and watching and listening to the waves on the shore. It is going to be soooo good.
On a quilty note, I think I have found my "go to" pattern for fast, easy but effective quilts. This Batman quilt was cut out Wednesday night. It has been sewn in the hours before work on the last 3 days. The blocks are all finished, and just need to be sewn together. I am going to use the leftovers from the top and the fat quarters packs to piece the back. And the back will probably take longer to make than the top did. I am sure that Noel is going to love it. It's a good thing I know that he doesn't read my blog. And now, I'm going to make myself another coffee, and surf some design walls over at Judy's Patchwork Times. And then, it will be sewing and quilting time. I want to see if I can't get a little bit more done on Shakespeare, and then get Batman all sewn together. Then the questing is, do I start on Batman's back, do I work on Roll roll cotton boll, or do I start something else new. Ah temptation, even though I had made myself a mental promise not to start anything new until I finished step 4 of RRCB. Hmmmmmmmm....... Oh, I know.... I'll work on stuff I already have going until we leave to go see the kids, and then work on new stuff when we get back. That sounds like a good deal. I wonder if I'll keep it. LOL.
On a quilty note, I think I have found my "go to" pattern for fast, easy but effective quilts. This Batman quilt was cut out Wednesday night. It has been sewn in the hours before work on the last 3 days. The blocks are all finished, and just need to be sewn together. I am going to use the leftovers from the top and the fat quarters packs to piece the back. And the back will probably take longer to make than the top did. I am sure that Noel is going to love it. It's a good thing I know that he doesn't read my blog. And now, I'm going to make myself another coffee, and surf some design walls over at Judy's Patchwork Times. And then, it will be sewing and quilting time. I want to see if I can't get a little bit more done on Shakespeare, and then get Batman all sewn together. Then the questing is, do I start on Batman's back, do I work on Roll roll cotton boll, or do I start something else new. Ah temptation, even though I had made myself a mental promise not to start anything new until I finished step 4 of RRCB. Hmmmmmmmm....... Oh, I know.... I'll work on stuff I already have going until we leave to go see the kids, and then work on new stuff when we get back. That sounds like a good deal. I wonder if I'll keep it. LOL.
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Stash Report Week 36

I have more stash used up this week. I finished the Rose Log Cabin and started a new project. I'm making a Batman themed quilt for my son, using the Big Quilt pattern from Maple Island quilts I had ordered 2 Batman themed fabrics from The Fat Quarter shop I'm using the red, navy and black solids where the black fabric is shown in this picture, and the Batman prints are going into the large fabric sections. I found out when I was cutting though, that I didn't have enough of the solids in the fat quarters that came with the fat quarter packs to do the whole quilt. I had wanted the quilt to be 3 squares wide and 4 squares long, which would be 4 squares from each solid fabric. I had enough for 3 squares from each. That meant I had to find something in stash to make up the 4th. I discovered that I do not do solids, not a one. I do prints and textureds, but not solids. One of the many things I love about my husband is his willingness to give his opinions on what I am working on, when I ask him. I had this green fabric in my stash, the same greens as are in the batman fabrics.
I wanted his opinion if I could get away with mixing a textured fabric in with the solids. Now, to understand my husband, he is an abstract artist, among his many hats, and he never gives just a yes or no. He looked at the fabric in question, gave a yes, and then went on to give his reason pointing out that the shapes in the green fabric,
Used this week: 3.6 yards
Used this year: 95.6 yards
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Purchased this year: 121.5 yards
Balance: 25.9 more yards in than out.
I'm almost up to 100 yards used. Wow!! When I started this stash report thing out of curiosity, I had no idea that I could use that much fabric in only 8 months. And now, I'm off to use more fabric before I go in to work this afternoon. To see how much others are using and buying, check out Judy's Patchwork Times
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