For the past month or two our little prayers and squares group has been working together on a project. It is going to be a silent auction fund raiser for us once it is finished. It is using some of the seemingly bottomless boxes of scraps and strips. This is called a Scrappy Lattice. Someone sent me the youtube video instruction for it found here. Anyhow, at the last minute before we left today, I remembered to get a picture. Next week we sew it together and put the borders on.
Wednesday, 31 May 2023
Wednesday, 17 May 2023
What I’m working on
Our prayers and squares group is working on a quilt that we are planning to use as a fund raiser. It is a string pieced crossed X. It has been a lot of fun getting together with a small group of friends to work on this every week. All of the blocks that require groups of 4 are now sewn together and the quilting on the blocks can begin before sewing them all together. This is just a small selection of the blocks. It was lots of fun digging deep into various boxes and bins to put together the string units. Some of us went random... whatever came to hand that was long enough to cover the space was sewn in. Others went more matchy and coordinated. When it is all together I think it is going to be quite striking.
I’m linking to Mid week makers
Saturday, 13 May 2023
Slow Sunday Stitching
Spring has finally arrived in our neck of the woods so there has been lots of time spent outdoors in the last few days. Unfortunately, it is May in Muskoka, which means black fly season and they are out in force. So far the non-deet bug spray we are using is keeping them from biting. But it doesn’t stop them from swarming around our heads. It might be time to get out the bug jackets.
Since I have my hand quilting project finished I’ve brought my cross stitching back out. The quilt section is almost finished. Then it is on to the border bands under the quilt section. This is going to keep me occupied for the next month or two. And after this is done, I may either go on to hand piecing some quilt squares or pull out another cross stitch sampler. I’ll decide much later.
I’ll link up to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching.
Sunday, 7 May 2023
Slow Sunday Stitching
Noah’s Journey is completely finished, including hanging sleeve and label. Here it is. It is so lovely to have this finished!! I still have no idea what it is going to end up doing or being, but the whole process of making it was fun, so that will have to be its purpose for now. It is getting entered into a quilt show along with another quilt which still needs a label and sleeve, so that will have to be my slow stitching for the next week or so. There isn’t going to be a lot of time for any other stitching for the next while. We are entering gardening season and also renovation season for our main living and kitchen area. There is packing up and organizing to do which is going to take up what stitching/sewing time I usually have. But it will be lovely to have it finished.
I’m linking to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching
Wednesday, 3 May 2023
What I’m working on
In my continuing quest to use up my fabric stash..... we all know the futility of that, but it’s fun..... I started some new blocks using 3 1/2 inch strips. I’m using the EasyAngle ruler to cut the triangles. Each block is using a 42 inch wide strip of fabrics for the lights and darks. I am aiming for 20 blocks since that is the limit of the polka dot background fabric. So far there are 8.

I’m linking to Mid week makers.