As life goes slowly forward while we all keep our distance from one another in order to keep each other safe, those of us with stitching hobbies are keeping ourselves happily occupied.
I finished my Loeanneth sweater last week.
It has yet to get all the ends sewn in. I am saving that chore for when I can be outside in the warm sunshine. In the meantime I wound up the new yarn that I bought last week and started a new sweater. This one is called
Open Skies. The pattern so far has been enough of a challenge that it requires concentration, which is good thing as it keeps my brain focused on something other than what is going on in the world around us. The neck line had a different stitch to it. Most ribbed necks are a knit 2 purl 2 stitch. This one was a knit 4 through the back loop then purl 4. Knitting through the back loop on freshly cast on stitches is not for the faint of heart.
But it resulted in a very pretty ribbing. There is lace at the front and back of the neckline, which is also very pretty.
Like most people who are avid stitchers of any kind, I am always thinking at least one or two projects ahead of the one I am currently working on. Back at the beginning of the year I took advantage of a discontinued colours sale of Mad Tosh Vintage sock yarns at Eat Sleep Knit. This was before our dollar tanked in comparison to the US dollar. I had in mind to make some more fade type sweaters, so I ordered single skeins of yarn in colours that I thought would work together. One of the sets works quite well going from light to darks with shades of pinks and greys.
But this second set does not work together well at all.

And of course I can't have yarn sitting here that I can’t use because the colours don’t work together, can I? Go ahead, agree with me please...... thank you! So on Friday I went searching for a local store that carries this particular brand of yarn. None in our area carry it. So I then went searching for a Canadian online store that carries it. I found one in Toronto called
Eweknit that had a really good selection of this brand of yarn. I’ve ordered 4 colours that I hope will work with the yarns I already have. Two of the new ones are blue based and the other are yellow based. I will know more when they arrive.
So now that I’ve rambled on long enough, I think I’ll link up to Kathy’s
Slow Sunday Stitching and check out what all the other slow stitchers are up to.