Well, this has been a wild roller coaster ride for the last two weeks. Our wonderful grand daughter Abrielle arrived two weeks ago today. She is beautiful, and a very quiet and content little thing. Our poor daughter had a rough time of it and ended up with a c-section. One week after the c-section, she ended up back in hospital with an infection in the incision. They had to open up the incision so that the infection could drain, and now she’s getting dressings to it daily. To top it off, my dear husband came down with a nasty cold or flu, which ended up going down into his chest. I kept slathering my hands with sanitizer every time I came down to the apartment or when I touched something I thought he might have touched. Thankfully, no one else in the house caught it. But it did keep him isolated and unable to meet his grand daughter until 10 days after she was born. Thankfully, everyone is back to normal, almost, and life with a baby in the house is fabulous! We are so enjoying being able to see her so frequently. She is the sweetest most delicious armful ever, right up there with our son and daughter and dear little grandson Avery, all of whom were also delicious armfuls.
Because of all of the above, and the Christmas festivities before that, there has not been a whole lot of sewing or quilting happening. I finished up a customer quilt this afternoon, but have yet to get it off the machine.

Here’s a shot of the quilting on it. My husband and I have also been working on trying to move most of my sewing and quilting stuff out of the apartment and up into the quilting studio. I so wish it wasn’t so messy trying to clean up and organize. Here’s a shot along the worktable wall,

which is where all the mess seems to accumulate up there. We’ve taken the shelves that were in the apartment holding my stash and

moved them and the stash upstairs. Most of the stash is upstairs now. All that remains is sorting things both in the apartment and also in the studio. Still a long way to go.
Here’s a shot of my husband at his first meeting of lovely Abrielle.

I think it was love at first sight. Now that life has settled down a bit, I’m hoping to get back to posting what I’m doing with a bit more frequency. I’m quite a bit behind on doing up customer quilts, so that is going to be my focus for the next couple of weeks. After that, I’m hoping to get back into doing some of my own stuff again.