It has been a whirlwind couple of weeks around here, packed with activities and work pretty much every minute of the day. I’ve been trying, successfully I may add, to get all of the back logged quilts done, so that I can devote August to getting my own projects done. In addition to that, there was a sewing day at the guild a couple of Saturdays ago, during which we finished up a comfort quilt top,

and I also finished up the body of the blog sampler.

I then, well, not really right away then, but sometime in the last couple of weeks, got that same comfort quilt quilted.

Then a week ago today, Gail came over and we sewed together another comfort quilt.

Maybe I should explain these a bit. The Friendship Star squares are being made by the guild membership. The colours are assigned, for these last ones the colours were grey/yellow and aqua/red. The members make the blocks in sets of two, with the colours in reversed placement in the blocks. The comfort quilts are intended for guild members who are going through “life altering” situations, whether it be illness, family loss, business loss or other sad situations. Each comfort quilt gets a label like this.

In addition to this, I’m trying to get the blog sampler quilt finished. It now has the inner border and the pieced borders on.

One more set of borders to go, and it is done. The picture was taken earlier in the week. I don’t have an updated one with all the pieced borders on, but you get kinda the idea.
Then this past week, we had company. Avery came to stay with us for a couple of days. He arrived Monday night, and stayed until Wednesday evening. We went on an adventure to the park on Tuesday afternoon, along with Grampy and Aunt Becca and cousin Abbie. Aunt Becca went on one of the fun swings with him,

while Grammy took the pictures and Grampy watched with Abbie. These were the only pictures I took. The rest of the time was spent enjoying being with him. I must confess to a small amount of exhaustion after her went back to his Daddy, though.
After this, I got serious about getting La Passacaglia quilted. I’m doing concentric circles in all the rosettes.

It is a long, time consuming process, but I’m hoping it will look great once it is done. It just might get finished tomorrow. And of course, through all this, there has been lovely time spent with this precious baby girl.

She is crawling all over the place now, and is pulling herself up, using whatever she can get her hands on, in order to stand. Another couple of weeks and she’s going to be cruising around furniture. And she only turned 7 months yesterday! It’s difficult to get a good picture of her these days. She isn’t still long enough. SO, that’s been my life for the past while. Too busy living it to write about it. Will it slow down in the next while so that I can catch up? Hard to say, but not likely.