Leo’s Mane Sew Along

Thursday 30 May 2024

What We’re Working On

 Our Prayers and Squares group got 3 tops to a finish and 2 of them are layered and ready for quilting. We are just motoring away. Pat put together a beautiful quilt using soft shades of greens and greys. Then there is a maple leaf quilt that was put together by Pat and Helen. Marg and I did the cutting, so it was truly a group effort. It has been  made for a possible sale as a fund raiser for our group. And then there is a bright and wild scrappy quilt that is the opposite of the soft and subtle quilt shown earlier. Barbara and I worked on this one for the past several weeks. It started off as a bag of 4 patch leader/ender squares. I love how each quilt is so different and can all fit into someone who will need them. 

I’ll link up to Mid Week Makers

Sunday 26 May 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

 I’m continuing to make good progress with my counted cross stitch hymn piece. I have an ulterior motive for pushing hard on this one. I’ve ordered a few new patterns, floss and linen for a new project I want to start. But I really don’t want to find myself in the position of having multiple UFO cross stitch pieces. So I’m trying to make sure I continue with this one until it is finished. The new patterns and floss are scheduled to arrive tomorrow. We’ll see how long my don’t start it until this one is finished resolve lasts. To be fair, this one is 1/3rd finished  and the letters stitch up very quickly, so it won’t take long to finish it at which point I can start the new one guilt free.

I’ll link up to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching before heading out to the screened shelter on our deck for some delicious bug free stitching time.

Saturday 18 May 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

 I’m working on my cross stitch piece for the hymn All to Jesus I Surrender. I had to re-order the light blue floss because the one I had was too light and didn’t show up well. I ordered 3 different blues to try since it is hard to know exactly what they will look like when ordering online. 

One of them works beautifully and I was able to get lots done. It is a gorgeous day out today and I was outside enjoying it, sitting in our screened shelter away from the horrid black fly critters. 

I’ll link up to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching tomorrow morning.

Thursday 16 May 2024

What we’re working on

 We’ve been working on multiple projects at the Prayers and Squares group, as usual. And we’ve had a couple of finishes, or finishes up to the point of a fabric shopping trip for finishing border fabrics. This flying geese and woodland animals quilt is done. 

Barbara and I have been working on a scrap quilt drawn from the 2 inch strip bin. It is finished to the stage of needing border and backing fabric. We didn’t find anything in our stash of fabrics, so it will go with us to a fabric shopping trip next week. At the moment we are thinking something red for borders.

We had some hexagons donated to our group, so Janet has been working on sewing them together with the burgundy triangles. It turned out there weren’t enough hexagons to make a decent sized quilt, so we dug around and found some fabrics that coordinated well with what was already there. 

And then lastly is the quilt I’ve been working on at home. All 20 blocks are done now,  although I only have a picture of 19. I thought this one was going to need to go on the shopping trip for backing, but we found some fabric at the church that will work for it. So I can start the quilt as I go process for this one tomorrow.

I’ll link up to Mid Week Makers.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

What we are working on.

 We’ve been busy, as usual, at our prayers and squares group. And I continue to work on projects here at home as well. I finished up the red/grey/yellow quilt today. It will go with me tomorrow to be trimmed and bound. All my striped binding fabrics now live at the church. I’m continuing to work on the half square triangle sampler quilt and now have 14 blocks finished. I only have a picture of 12 of them. These are a lot of fun to do. Although I have found that I have to be really careful with placement. I’ve had to rip out a couple of them after finding a couple of triangles turned the wrong way.

I found a bag of leader/ender 4 patches a while back and have been slowly adding triangles on either side of them to turn them on point. Those are all done now and we are slowly making strips to go in between the on point triangles.

And then lastly, we have a finished quilt that will be going to a new home soon. The recipient used to be very into fishing, so all the fabrics are fishing  and water themed.

I’ll link up to Mid Week Makers.

Sunday 5 May 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

 I’ve started a new cross stitch piece. It will eventually be this hymn found here. I love the colours in the sample, but the light blue that I ordered for mine isn’t showing up as much as I wanted it to. It actually shows up better in this picture than it does in person. So I’ve ordered 3 different blues in hopes that one of them will show up more. In the meantime, I will keep going with the other colours. Other than this piece I haven’t been doing any other slow stitching.

I’ll link up to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching.

Wednesday 1 May 2024

What we are working on.

 I’m falling down a little bit on the job as recorder of the quilts that go out from our Prayers and Squares group. We had one go out on Sunday and I completely forgot to get a picture or the details of who it went to. Oops.... 

However, as always, there are quilts in the works. I’ve gotten a start on quilting and sashing the Pinwheels done in red/grey/yellows. And then I’ve started another quilt here, also from the 3 1/2 inch strips. This one is going to be a half square triangle sampler, inspired by A Quilting Life hereI think I am aiming for 20 blocks for this one. A little bigger than we normally do. But there are lots of strips to use up. I have the first 3 done. 

And a member of our group made this wonderful baby quilt using flying geese and a border print. It is so much fun. The geese are all made from solids that coordinate with the border print. 

That’s all I have for today. I’ll link up with Mid Week Makers.