Lets see, what other good news do we have? My long arm machine is up and running well, and I just finished my second customer quilt for the week.

I am thankful for this machine that I am typing on. I love the way it keeps in touch with people all over this country, and other countries as well. I remember back when Susan, my dear sister in the Lord, moved away over 20 years ago, the only way to keep in touch was by letters, or expensive long distance phone calls. Now there is Facebook chat, where we can type for hours, and frequently do, and keep up with what is going on in each others lives. And then there is Skype. I can talk with Avery

I am thankful for my husband, who is always willing to lend a hand to whatever project I happen to be working on, and has done so much to help me get my long arm put back together, and all the other things, like shelves put up in my studio. Not only that, but he has the sometimes monumental task of putting up with my menopausal moments. Poor guy! LOL!! (Why did no one warn us that it goes on for years?)
I like this Good news Thursday thing that Judy has started. It's a great way to sit down, and take time during the business of the week, and to focus and be still and to write, and to just appreciate how good the Lord is, and to look at all the ways that He has blessed our lives.
Sure enjoyed reading your good news! At this age, any restful sleep is a blessing! LOL