Leo’s Mane Sew Along

Sunday 22 January 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

 Back at the beginning of January I articulated a goal to spend time on various hand projects in an attempt to get work done on them. I was going to alternate between projects. And here we have an example of why I don’t make resolutions. I have decided, for now at least, to continue with working on the Noah’s Journey blocks on an attempt to get them finished and sewn into their places in the quilt. The quilt is sewn together in segments with the piecing and the embroideries in very specific places. I have the biggest segment sewn together.

 I finished the zebras I was working on last week and am now down to 3 embroideries left to do.

I started the cows and flamingos last night. But I am wresting with a couple of things. As I said, the quilt is constructed in segments, 8 in all. I have 3 done. Each of the remaining segments are made up of multiple embroideries and the three that I have left to do are in separate segments. I can do the piecing, but there are gaps where the embroideries should go. The other bigger issue is that I need to be able to lay it all out so I can make sure the colours are balanced. But I don’t have a space big enough to do that. I haven’t figured that out yet, but I will push forward in the hopes that a solution will present itself. The current thought is a flannel backed vinyl table cloth that I can hang somewhere..... not sure where..... and roll up when I’m not using it to get it out of the way from wherever it is hanging...... yet to be determined.

I suspect I am going to end up hand quilting this, which is why I am pushing forward with it. I’ve been watching some youtube ideas for big stitch quilting and I’ve ordered some perle cotton threads in colours to match. Past that point, I’m again unsure about how to procede but I’m sure an answer will present itself before then.

I’m linking up to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching



  1. Cathy, Noah's Journey looks amazing . The cow block looks like it will be a lot of fun to work on. I think a large tablecloth would be great to lay out the blocks on. I wrestle with having space to lay out my quilt blocks as well. Have a very lovely day slow stitching.

  2. Love seeing how Noah's Journey is coming along!

  3. Noah's Journey is such an imaginative quilt. I don't think I have seen a quilt design quite like this fabulous quilt. Love those blocks next to the ark. Goodness, this is going to be a splendid quilt! Your thoughts of using a flannel backed vinyl tablecloth is an excellent idea.

  4. What you have pieced so far is very pretty. I really like these painted embroideries. I like the idea of the flannel backed tablecloth.


I love reading all your comments, and am grateful for each one. I try very hard to answer them all, but lately I haven’t quite been able to answer all of them.