Leo’s Mane Sew Along

Sunday 1 April 2012

March colour challenge results

I've been combining 2 projects into one. I'm doing the New York Beauty sew along, in the colours of the colour challenges. I didn't start the NYB until March, so I only have that month's colours in there, so far. This particular sew along continues into May, but I just might keep my own going longer than that, using more variations of NYB blocks from EQ7 and also from an add on to EQ that I have by Karen Stone. I am hoping to average 2 of these blocks per week, which will give me enough by the end of the year for a good sized bed quilt. I love the colours for April's palette, and the story behind it, which you can read here, is quite funny. And best yet, they are commonalities with March's palette, so everything in the NYB will work. As soon as I saw this month's colours,  I went upstairs and pawed through my batiks and fat quarters, and I think I have the beginnings, at least, of the fabrics necessary for April. So, now I can finish off the last of the NYB squares for last week, and I have a fresh start for tomorrow, when the new one comes out.


  1. Those New York Beauties are truly beauties. I love the black with white dots in them - it makes me think of stargazing and seems absolutely perfect for this quilt. (Maybe that works only in my head, but that's okay!) The quilt is going to be absolutely stunning when you get it all done, even with moldy pie colors in there. :)

  2. Love the New York Beauties!! I wish I had gotten in on this challenge too!

  3. Gorgeous! I agree that you will certainly have a fabulous quilt!

  4. NYB are terrific-good idea to combine two projects!

  5. Cathy those blocks are fabulous! I assume the points section is paper pieced? I am very jealous. Points like that have been floating around in my 'I wanna try it' basket for a long time. Either as a compass or a NYB block like these. I even have some rocking' hand dyed with a super color variation that would really make it jump and i just isn't have the time to concentrate on something that would be so new to me. Yours are lovely and a couple of blocks a week seems a doable way to assemble a large number of them without making yourself nutso. I like the variation in the pattern as well. It will make a stunning quilt, I can't wait to see it.

  6. Oh, I just swooned looking at those blocks! WOW!!!

  7. I love your blocks and it's going to be a spectacular quilt.

  8. I love this! Great job with the NYBs!

  9. Love how these blocks look together! Each one is so cool on it's own, but together even better!

  10. Cathy, your NYB blocks are wonderful! I love your color combinations! Great job on the color challenge! :)


I love reading all your comments, and am grateful for each one. I try very hard to answer them all, but lately I haven’t quite been able to answer all of them.