Leo’s Mane Sew Along

Wednesday 19 January 2011

I've been making lists......

Very detailed lists, of things I want to get done. Todays list went like this:

Go to the library for audio books............ done
Start Amalia's 3rd wall hanging......... half done  There are 5 in total.
Do 2 Roll roll cotton boll paper units........... done
Do 2 thread lengths on the binding of Nine patch pineapple, which still isn't finished. This is my least favourite thing about doing quilts, and tends to get procrastinated forever............ done
Do one of the 100 block challenge blocks.............. done
Prep some applique shapes for this month's My Tweet's block.......... not done, add to tomorrow
Sew the binding to the Card Trick Quilt. .............. will be done by the end of the night
Do up some ideas for the layout of the "Here Fishy, Fishy" quilt for the grandbaby...... not done, add to tomorrow.

The reason for these lists is that, since finishing up the quilting on Card Trick on Monday, I've been floundering around, unable to figure out what I want to do, therefore not getting a whole lot of anything done. Plus, I want to give myself some push to just do little bits of the things I don't like to do, like hand sewing the bindings to the backs of the quilts. I figure if I write them down, as a reminder to myself, it will put the idea into my brain, and not get pushed to the background. Today is my second day of doing this, and it seems to be working.

Tomorrow's list looks like this:

Do 2 RRCB paper units
Do second 100 block challenge block for the week
Do 2 thread lengths of binding
Prep some applique shapes for My Tweets
Play with EQ5 for "Here, Fishy Fishy"
Finish Amalia's 3rd wall hanging.
Start machine stitching on applique squares. (This is what the audio books are for)

At the end of tomorrow, I'll do another post with pictures of the 3 wall hangings, and the 2 100 block challenge squares. Somewhere in there, I had better do something about some laundry, as well. (yuck)

1 comment:

  1. Baby Stuff, baby stuff, baby stuff! that's all I want to do right now! Use it as a reward for doing the stuff you don't want to do. :)


I love reading all your comments, and am grateful for each one. I try very hard to answer them all, but lately I haven’t quite been able to answer all of them.