Leo’s Mane Sew Along

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Quilting Tuesday

Judy posted clue #3  on her website today, so I'm going to play with that today. I've managed to get Evelyn's cross stitch baby quilt done today, except for sewing in the ends. That's #1 off the November goal list. I'll get a pic of it, as soon as the ends are sewn it. Right now, it's looking a bit shaggy. Charlene's quilt is waiting to have the ends sewn in, as well. Maybe later tonight I'll put on a movie, and blitz finishing off all those loose ends. My least favourite part of doing a custom quilt job, and the job I can easily procrastinate. So, I don't have a picture of that one yet, either. Supper is done, except for clean up, so I'm going to go do that, and then go play with Judy's quilt block instructions.

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