My stitching last Sunday was very slow. I was debating whether or not to rip out some of the stitching I had done on my mitten, since it was way too long for my hands. Well, I decided to go ahead and rip, so instead of slowly stitching, I was actually going in reverse. But I’m glad I did it. The right hand mitt is now finished and fits almost perfectly. Even the weaving in of the yarn ends is done. And after that I dove right in and started the mitt for the other hand. I got all the way past where the thumb is started, looked at it and realized something looked wrong. So there I went again, going backwards and ripping out. But that error is fixed and the left hand mitt well on its way. Hopefully there won’t be any more going backwards. A couple more days should finish these mitts and then I can get back to my cross stitching. I’ll link up to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching
Sunday, 22 December 2024
Slow Sunday Stitching
Wednesday, 18 December 2024
What We’re Working On
Last week I mentioned that we have had quite a few quilts go out from our Prayers and Squares group and that it would take a couple of weeks to show them all. I have the rest of them here for today. There is a very special heart quilt where the colours and the heart theme were requested by the recipient. Four of us worked on it and we were able to get all the piecing done in a single day. That same day saw us make the back and get it layered for quilting. There’s a very bright blue and yellow quilt, sent to a young teenager undergoing treatment for cancer.
Her favourite colour is yellow. And then a very bright and happy quilt going to a man whose wife passed away after a lengthy illness.
In addition to those finished quilts there are a couple that are in the making stage. I love making samplers and have one in the works. The last block was released today, so I may get the last block sewn up today.
There is something so satisfying about sewing a single block. They are usually able to be finished in a single sitting and give a wonderful feeling of accomplishment. We have a lot of batting scraps sitting in a large tote at the church. I am considering doing this sampler as a quilt as you go in order to use some of them up. I also have plans for doing some Christmas baking on my to do list for today as well, so it’s kinda up in the air if I get to that sampler. But there’s always the time that the baking is in the oven. Anyhow, that’s it for today.
Sunday, 15 December 2024
Slow Sunday Stitching
My cross stitching has been put on hold for the past week. I need a new pair of mittens and found
this book last year. I actually started a pair last year and never finished them. When I picked it back up this year I decided I didn’t like what I done, so I ripped it all out and started over. However, now that I have them this far, they are way too long for my hands, so I need to rip back a bit and finish them off differently than the pattern says. Maybe...... I’ll put them in time out while I decide what to do. I really don’t want to rip back, but I know I won’t wear them if they are too big. Anyhow..... I’ll link up to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching and then probably bite the bullet as the saying goes and get to frogging.
Wednesday, 11 December 2024
What we’re working on
We’ve had quite a few quilts go out in the last month. I think I’ll do a couple of posts to record them here. A lovely quilt in earth tones, and another lovely one in blues.
And then there is a second one, also in blues for a special request.
This one is also getting a border of the darker blue. And then there was this quilt, made out of large hexagons.

Sunday, 8 December 2024
Slow Sunday Stitching
I’ve been absent from the blogging world for a bit. The monitor screen on my computer died and it too a while to get the problem diagnosed and then even longer to get a solution implemented. But it’s all good now and I’m back in blogging mode again.
Just before the computer problem, I finished my Swans for the winter series of At Home In The Woods. Here are all three side by side.
I did finally decide to order a frame for it but it hasn’t arrived yet.
I have since started on the spring series and the first one is a Jackrabbit. He’s very cute. I love the texture in his fur. I think it is that texture in all the animals that drew me to this series. Anyhow, it’s almost time ti leave for church, so I’ll post this and link up to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching