We’ve got more quilts coming down the line as we continue to meet weekly for Prayers and Squares. One went out this week to a recipient and another 2 are now finished tops. This one made from three panel squares is the one that was prayed over on Sunday and will be going to its new home this week. There are 3 animal squares left from the original panel, so they are going into the centre of 3 more quilts.
One of them is now a finished top. And then we have a fun pink and aqua top that is also finished.
Both this pink and aqua top and the animal panel top need layering. That will likely happen this week.
Here at home, I’ve dug into the bin of 3 1/2 inch strips for bricks and then dug up some odds and ends of white muslins and black prints to make four patches for a Bonnie Hunter pattern called Bricks and Stepping Stones. I don’t have photos for that one yet. By this time next week it should be at the stage for photos. And lastly, we are working on a top using these beautiful pictures in this panel. I’ll get a progress photo tomorrow on where that quilt top is at. For all of these quilts that use panels for the central theme, the Electric Quilt software is an invaluable tool for doing the designing. It makes layout and colour selections and which blocks work and which don’t so easy to figure out.
I’ll link up to Mid Week Makers
They are all beautiful