I finished my Frankensocks this past week, and even got the toes grafted and all the ends woven in. That is the step that usually just sits and ends up procrastinated. So that’s done and I can even wear them today. I’ve had a couple of coordinating skeins of Alegria fingering yarn sitting here for quite a while. There was enough to do a scarf or shawl, but I don’t really need another scarf or shawl and there wasn’t enough to do a sweater and matching either of the skeins was going to be difficult. My dear friend Gail, aka The Cozy Quilter, gave me a gift certificate to a local yarn store here in Huntsville, just 5 minutes down the road, so I got the idea to see if there was anything there that would coordinate that I could use to do alternate rounds in a sweater to make a combined fabric. It turns out that there was. So I got the skeins wound up into cakes and started on the sweater yesterday. I think it is going to work really well. I already had the green and the light yarn with the greens and orange in it. The skein I picked up has all the colours of the top skein, minus the green.
While I was in the yarn shop, because I had explained to her what I was planning on doing, the sales lady mentioned a technique called Helical knitting that seamlessly blends alternating yarns together. I did a you tube search and the technique works really well.
I also had big plans this past week to take the centre block of My Tweets to the church where there are large cutting matts that I could use to trim it up to the right size. It occurred to me that I should check the block against the picture of the pattern just to make sure I hadn’t forgotten anything. It turns out that it is missing quite a few leaves. So those will have to be done before I can trim it and start adding on the sashing and the other blocks. Getting the leaves traced and ready for appliqué is going to be part of today’s slow stitching.
I’ll link up to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching
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