Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Crumb along Reveal
Monday, 30 January 2012
Design Wall Monday Jan 30
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Stash report Week 5, 2012

But it's not as bad as it could have been. I ordered 3 bolts, but only got 2 because one was back ordered, darn. And it was a really pretty one, too. But these will do for starters. They are intended as backings for some of the 14, or maybe even more at this point, quilt tops of my own that are waiting for quilting. The autumn leaves one would be perfect for Double Duty, and for a couple of others that are currently just floating around in my head, based on Autumn colours. And the other floral one would be perfect for some of the feminine florally quilt tops I have in the ever growing piles. All of the fabric usage was from the string pieced wedges for Endless Chain. My scrap drawer finally closes. Anyway, here's the numbers for the past week:
Used this week: 1.9 yards
Used this year: 13.8 yards
Purchased this week: 30 yards
Purchased this year: 57 yards
Balance: 43.2 yards more in than out.
I think maybe I'd better get working on getting some of those tops quilted. I'm, linking up to Judy's weekly Stash Report linky at Patchwork Times
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Warning....... proud Grammy post....
What are these things, Grammy?
OK, I'll try them....
Grammy, I don't think I like this.....
Eeeuuuwww........ it's stuck on my tongue, Grammy....
How do I get rid of it??
Somehow, I don't think peas were a hit.
Thursday, 26 January 2012
I love the internet
I love having the internet, have I ever said that before? It is so much fun to be able to meet new people, and explore new places, talk to people hundreds or even thousands of miles away, either through Skype, or chats or emails.I find that it suits my basically shy and reserved nature, because there are no face to face meetings to be anxious over. And I find that I like blogging, because it is basically me talking to myself, with other people listening in. I get to visit with my dear friend Susan, in Edmonton and have "chats" with her at least once or twice a week. I can visit with Laurie and Avery on Skype, and talk to them, and see them. And while it's not the same as being there, it is still great to be able to do. I can talk by email to a friend in Alabama, or another in Washington state, or another that I am getting to know in Alaska, and so many more. All of that is fabulous.
And then there is the ability to shop, and order stuff and have it delivered right to my door. (Unless I'm not there, or am still sleeping when the postman comes, in which case there is a trip to the small postal outlet involved) I received Judy Martin's latest book in the mail today, called Patchwork Among Friends. I have only briefly looked at it, but what I have seen so far is fabulous. The quilts are all so nice, that I think I want to start at the beginning of the book, and do all of them. (I have no affiliation with her, by the way, just a happy customer). And then there were the 2 bolts of fabric that came today as well, although I didn't have time to get pictures of them before we left home. They are destined to be used for quilt backings, and are going to do some fun stuff to my stash report numbers.
And finally, there is the ability to do all of this as I sit in the passenger seat of the car, right now, as we are driving up to have a Noel and Laurie and Avery weekend. Yep, it's for sure, I love the internet, and the 21st century, and all this really cool technology that has so expanded and enriched this particular lady's world.
And then there is the ability to shop, and order stuff and have it delivered right to my door. (Unless I'm not there, or am still sleeping when the postman comes, in which case there is a trip to the small postal outlet involved) I received Judy Martin's latest book in the mail today, called Patchwork Among Friends. I have only briefly looked at it, but what I have seen so far is fabulous. The quilts are all so nice, that I think I want to start at the beginning of the book, and do all of them. (I have no affiliation with her, by the way, just a happy customer). And then there were the 2 bolts of fabric that came today as well, although I didn't have time to get pictures of them before we left home. They are destined to be used for quilt backings, and are going to do some fun stuff to my stash report numbers.
And finally, there is the ability to do all of this as I sit in the passenger seat of the car, right now, as we are driving up to have a Noel and Laurie and Avery weekend. Yep, it's for sure, I love the internet, and the 21st century, and all this really cool technology that has so expanded and enriched this particular lady's world.
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
It's not my fault.....

I can't show the one I got for Laurie, since she reads my blog, and I want them to be a surprise.
And then for Becca, I got one with a nativity on it, since she loves Christmas, and especially the reason for it
And lastly, just so I can figure out this whole process, and how these things work, there is a set of ornaments that would go with Matt and Becca's decorations for there tree. They look like an easy, basic place to start learning how to do this.
I think I'll start with the trees, and go from there. If I start working on them now, I figure I can have them done by next year. Maybe............. And all these pictures came from the website Anita's Arts. So, now all I have to do, in between knitting, and working on My Tweets, is make time for doing these as well. LOL
Monday, 23 January 2012
Design Wall Monday Jan 23
My design wall has the same thing on it as it has the last week, or so. Endless Chain, by Emilie Richards. I've been working on this quilt, to the exclusion of all others for the past week. I really, really want to get it done by the end of the month, since I am so in love with it, and because it is January's UFO, and I would like to get it done in time to meet the challenge. This is actually the same picture I put up on Saturday, after the Friday night sew in. It needs 3 more rows to finish it, which means 23 more full hexagons, and 8 half hexagons. And that means I need to do about 98 more string pieced wedges to finish up all the pieces needed. I think, depending on what plans my husband has for the next few days, it just might be doable, even with a trip to see Noel and Laurie and Avery over the weekend, depending on the weather, of course. I am sticking to the not doing anything else until this one is done, even though there are dozens of quilts in my head, just screaming to get out. I found another one today, while looking at Teaquilts design wall over at Judy's Patchwork Times, from the Moda Bake Shop people called Flying in Squares. Whenever I get this quilt done, it just might advance to the head of my scrap quilts want to do list. And now, for my second cup of coffee, while browsing a few more design walls. Maybe I'll find some more for that want-to-do list. And of course, I'm linking up to the previously mentioned Patchwork times linky.
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Stash report Week 4, 2012
With the Friday night sew-in, and all the work I managed to finish on Endless Chain, I used up a bit more fabric. And, As I was cleaning out the chaos (I can never use that word without thinking of the Get Smart TV series villainous organization CHAOS) in my sewing room, I came across block #7 of My Tweets, partially prepped, and partially sewn, before I had to quit working on it due to the cataracts. So, I threw it into its carrying case and put it into my bag to take to work, for my breaks. I am ecstatic to report that I can work on these again. I had forgotten how much I love doing the hand sewing on the applique. It so completely takes me away from the stress at work and into another world while I'm on my breaks. So, this is now back into the official WIP list. If I manage to get all the rows of the Endless Chain quilt labeled tomorrow, I might put up the progress I have so far on Tweets up onto the wall. It will be fun to visit that quilt again. Anyway, this is supposed to be about numbers:
Used this week: 3.4 yards
Used this year: 11.9 yards
Purchased this week: 0
Purchased this year: 27 yards
Balance: 15.1 more yards in than out. And this number is about to go way up, because I just ordered 4 bolts of fabrics to use for backings. So as soon as they are delivered, the purchased number is going to sky rocket. So much fun.
I'm linking up to the Sunday stash report over at Judy's Patchwork Times. Then I'm off to get some lunch and maybe piece a few string wedges before going in to work this afternoon.
Used this week: 3.4 yards
Used this year: 11.9 yards
Purchased this week: 0
Purchased this year: 27 yards
Balance: 15.1 more yards in than out. And this number is about to go way up, because I just ordered 4 bolts of fabrics to use for backings. So as soon as they are delivered, the purchased number is going to sky rocket. So much fun.
I'm linking up to the Sunday stash report over at Judy's Patchwork Times. Then I'm off to get some lunch and maybe piece a few string wedges before going in to work this afternoon.
Saturday, 21 January 2012
The day after the night before......
when I sewed my brains out, well, not quite. I didn't get quite as much done as I wanted. I received a call from a customer wanting to bring some quilts over for quilting today, at 1 pm. I said sure, no problem. Then I went upstairs and looked at the remaining mess in my sewing room, and decided it would be way to embarrassing to have her see it that way. So, the floor is now visible. all that remains is to clear off the table of the long arm, and the mess will be almost tamed.
But, I did get sewing time in, from 8 pm until midnight, 4 hours straight. I've used up all the string pieced wedges I had, and made over 15 more of the hexagon units for Endless Chain by Emilie Richards Three of the rows are actually sewn together, and the rest are just sitting there. I've arranged them so that the fabrics at the intersections have some contrast between them.
The tricky part is not getting them mixed up once I take them down to sew. I've stated putting painters tape on the top of each block, with its number, so that I know where they go, and which is top and bottom of the hexagon. There are all kinds of fun fabrics in this quilt, and could make for a bit of an "I Spy" type. There are flip flops, and beach toys, and hockey equipments, fishing lures and all kinds of other fun stuff in it. I had a blast playing in last nights' sew along, but alas, fun has to end and real life intrude. I'm back to work, 3-11 both today and tomorrow. I might be able to get a few more string wedges done up, but not a lot more than that.
Friday, 20 January 2012
Friday night sew in

Thursday, 19 January 2012
More dangerous blog hopping......
This picture is from the blog Jenny of Elefantz, the designer of this particular BOM. There has to be a way to adapt this from embroidery to something else, because I love it. Hmmmmmmm.................
Any ideas anyone?
UFO progress report
Monday, 16 January 2012
Design Wall Monday Jan 16
So, I came home and decided to do a little fun sewing, and made up another Dresden Plate for the Scrappy Dresden Plate quilt along and now I have 2, and I'm liking what I'm seeing, so far.
I'm linking up to the Design wall Monday linky at Patchwork Times. And, I don't know why, but the type size in this post keeps changing. Very strange......
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Stash Report Week 3
Used this week: 5.7 yards
Used this year: 8.5 yards
Added this week: 0
Added this year: 27 yards
Balance: 18.5 more yards purchased than used.
I'm linking, as usual, to the Sunday Stash Report at Patchwork Times
Monday, 9 January 2012
Design Wall Monday Jan 9
Like a lot of others today, Bonnie Hunter's Orca Bay is occupying my design wall. While browsing though the other design wall posts, I noticed that there are quite a few other Orca's posted today. I love seeing how variation in fabric choices and layouts can change the feeling of the same quilt pattern. I think that is one of the many things I love about quilting, how personal a quilt pattern can be made, if so chosen by the person making a particular pattern. I stuck to the colours given by Bonnie, but I changed mine by not doing the string piecing, and I'm happy with the way it is looking. All of the stars are done, and about half of the red/black geese units are finished. I'm hoping to get the rest of those done, and then start assembling the quilt today. I'm linking up to Judy's Patchwork Times, as usual, where there is lots to see, on top of all the Orca's
Sunday, 8 January 2012
Stash Report Week 2
I received my first package of fabric in the mail yesterday. Lovely, lovely stuff, that I'm looking forward to using. I make no vows of not purchasing fabric, because I know there is no way I will keep that kind of vow. I love buying fabric, and using it to make wonderful quilts, so there will be no guilt felt here. I do this report to keep track of my fabric coming in and going out, just to know how much I use, rather than as a control on what I buy.
I had a fairly good sewing week, considering I've worked 3-11 for 4 days, including today, this week. I've been working on Orca Bay and on my UFO #5 on alternate days.
So, on to the numbers:
Fabric out this week: 2.8 yards
Fabric out this year: 2.8 yards
Fabric in this week: 27 yards
Fabric in this Year: 27 yards
Balance: 24.2 yards more in than out.
I'm linking up to Stash report Sunday at Patchwork Times. Than, I'm going to finish my coffe while I browse through some other reports. Then, I'm going to work some more on Orca Bay until I have to go to work this afternoon. I'd like to get a substantial amount done on it to post for tomorrow's linkys.
I had a fairly good sewing week, considering I've worked 3-11 for 4 days, including today, this week. I've been working on Orca Bay and on my UFO #5 on alternate days.
So, on to the numbers:
Fabric out this week: 2.8 yards
Fabric out this year: 2.8 yards
Fabric in this week: 27 yards
Fabric in this Year: 27 yards
Balance: 24.2 yards more in than out.
I'm linking up to Stash report Sunday at Patchwork Times. Than, I'm going to finish my coffe while I browse through some other reports. Then, I'm going to work some more on Orca Bay until I have to go to work this afternoon. I'd like to get a substantial amount done on it to post for tomorrow's linkys.
Saturday, 7 January 2012
My first package of the year.....
3 different striped fabrics there, where the strip is printed on the bias. They make wonderful bindings. And lastly, some yardage of pretty, feminine colours. I haven't added the totals up, yet. That's for tomorrow to do. Now, I get to go fondle and pet them, (sounds rather perverted, doesn't it?), and put them away.
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Blog Hopping is dangerous........

Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Christmas 2011
Unfortunately, I ran out of time and ideas, so Matt and Scott were left out of the home made goodness this year. But, I have ideas already for next year.
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Progress..... Before and after...
In addition to getting these 2 areas cleaned up, I did some scrap taming, as well. I put on Michael Card's "Joy in the Journey" album, which has 18 songs on it, all of which I love, all of which I was happily singing along to this afternoon. While this album played, I gave myself the task of cutting down scraps into various sized squares and strips, mostly 2 1/2 inch, 2 inch and 1 1/2 inch. Whatever didn't fit into those sizes went into crumbs, strings, or garbage. When the album was done, I was done, and able to go onto something else. So I now have a lot more squares to use as leaders and enders, and strips to make into other quilts. Then, this evening, I dug into those crumbs, and strings, and as yet untrimmed scraps, and started making more string pieced wedges for UFO #5. There will be a more detailed post about that sometime soon. As long as I don't turn around and look at the other end of the room, I can pretend that all is neat and tidy. But not so, there is a lot left to do, but it's a start.
Monday, 2 January 2012
Part of getting my sewing stuff organized is going to be the beginning of a couple of new leader and ender projects, since I finished my last one last year in December. I've decided on this one here, to the right. for the mounds of 2 1/2 inch squares I have kicking around. I already have a few of these blocks made. And then for the never ending amount of 2 inch squares, and strips, I really like the looks of this version of the Irish Chain pattern. Both of these quilts were done in the EQ7 software I bought a couple of months ago, but haven't yet had a lot of time to play with. The other one I rather like a this version of the Irish Chain quilt for the never ending pile of 2 inch squares and strips I have also hanging around. I like the alternating of the colours and the white squares. Between these 2, that should get a start on taming the scraps.
Design Wall Monday Week 1
Number 2 is to dig out my UFO #5, get it on the wall, and maybe take a new pic of it.
Number 3 is to dig out what I have done so far on Orca Bay,
Number 4 is to do something about cooking something for supper. Some beef is out of the freezer, and will probably get done into some Swiss Steak.
And number 5 is to start in on creating order out of chaos in my sewing room. The only possible way to do it is in sections, so,
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