Monday, 28 September 2015
Design Wall Monday, Sept. 28, 2015
I just have three more coloured pieces to place into their surroundings and then can sew the whole thing together. It just might be the proverbial quilt-in-a-day. Actually, no it won't. There are borders to cut and assemble, and I don't think I'll manage to get those done today. So maybe it will be a quilt-in-two-days thing. This quilt, I should mention, is from the Quiltmaker magazine Jan/Feb 2014. It's called "Black Tie Affair", designed by Margie Ullery. The original quilt in the magazine was done all in blacks and whites, with just a smidge of grey. She has a website called
I'm going to link this up to Judy's Design Wall Monday
Sunday, 27 September 2015
Sunday Stash and Stitching report, week 39
What little bit of stitching that got done, was in the car on the way home. This rosette is ready for its stars. It's one of the last 5 or six that I have to do, depending on whether I do any extras.
Now, lets see, how can I say this in a way I haven't said before......... not much stash out, more stash added in..... how's that? But it's all for a good cause, the baby, as yet unknown whether boy or girl, due for our daughter in January. She's doing a themed nursery decoration based on the saying "I love you to the moon and back". So there are stars and moons, to go with the grey/yellow/purple colours she wants. I have a couple more patterns picked out, so the numbers should change a bit, soon.

Used this week: .2 yards
Used this year: 62.6 yards
Added this week: 4 yards
Added this year: 98.75 yards
Net stash added: 35.15 yards
I'm linking up to Judy's Fabric Report, Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, and Angie's WIPs Be Gone
Friday, 25 September 2015
On my Needles.
I've been doing a lot of customer quilting this week, and a lot of stitching on La Passacaglia. No pictures to share of either of those, at the moment. We should be home on Sunday in time for a hand stitching post then.
I'm linking this post up to Judy's On the Needles
Sunday, 20 September 2015
Sunday Stash and stitching report, week 38

I just have the rosettes that go around the top right section left to do, unless I decide to do a few extras to fill in some spaces.

With that in mind, I've done up a couple of the centre stars needed for the new rosettes.

As far as the stash report goes, there has, of course, been stash added. No self respecting Grandma-to-be could possibly avoid ordering new fabrics for new baby quilts for a new baby. At least, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. I did use some of that recently ordered stash to make up one baby quilt already.

Used last 2 weeks: 3.3 yards
Used this year: 62.4 yards
Added last 2 weeks: 8.5 yards
Added this year: 94.75 yards
Net stash added: 32.35 yards
I've already found another design I want to do, so there should be some more stash busted in the next week, or so. And in the meantime, I'm having a blast! And the best of all..... our grandson or granddaughter-to-come gave me a lovely kick hello this morning!!
As usual, I'm linking up to Judy's Fabric Report and Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching. Then, it's back to more slow stitching to go with a lovely cup of tea.
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
What I'm up to....
Today and this evening find me up in the studio. I seem to be getting over the being creeped out up here after dark, which is a really good thing. This morning I started a new customer quilt. An absolutely gorgeous One Block Wonder.
Last evening, after taking an informal Facebook poll, asking whether I should work on La Passacaglia or start a baby quilt, the results came back unanimous for starting a baby quilt. So, I cut out a bunch of fabrics into the sizes needed.
And tonight I sewed them together into blocks, put them up on the wall, and rearranged until it looks balanced with a good distribution of colours. And I think now I'm done for the day.
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Sneak peak
It's been quiet on the blog lately. It seems to be the thing that is getting neglected when life is busy. I'm working on this quilt right now. It's scrappy in all different shades of blue. The owner wanted waves to bring out the thoughts of water. The piecing is large scale, so I made the scale of quilting large as well. Time to get back at it.
Friday, 11 September 2015
Texas Chain is Finished!!

I used a new to me type batting for this one, called Tuscany Wool, from Hobbs. I can't say that I really like the way it behaved while doing the quilting. It has resin added to the surface of the batt, supposed to stop bearding, but it made it act like a stiff polyester batt. The wrinkles from the packaging never fully relaxed, and the quilting came out like a thicker polyester batt.

However, after saying all that, the quilt, now that it is finished, is wonderfully light and airy. I put it on the bed last night, and it was really comfortable to sleep under. I haven't washed it yet, and the instructions say to use tepid water in the machine on a gentle cycle, and lay flat to dry. The gentle cycle I can do, lay flat to dry, on the other hand, is not going to happen, so I have no idea how it will behave in the dryer. I'll have to check my dryer for a gentle cycle, or maybe Matt and Becca's new dryer will have one. So the jury is still out as far as using wool batts. I'll have to work up the courage to put it in the washer and dryer before I know for sure.
I'm going to link up this finish to Crazy Mom Quilts. Then, since I am doing the blog for the London Friendship Quilters Guild this year, I need to go through the photos of last night's meeting, and see which ones are good for use. I was using the guild's camera, so it's not familiar to me for its functions. In case you are interested by the way, there is a free sampler quilt being run on that blog this year, just starting now.
Sunday, 6 September 2015
Sunday Stash and Stitching

I managed to get a backing made for Texas Chain, as well as the last borders done, and I get to count all that as used this time. It really isn't helping my numbers, at this point, but I sure am having fun adding to those numbers! I'm collecting fabrics for baby quilts for our going to be arriving in January grandchild, so the stash added numbers are going up. Whether they come back down again will depend on how many baby quilts I get done. Because we all know there will be more than one.
Used this week: 7.2 yards
Used this year: 59.1 yards
Added this week: 0 yards
Added this year: 86.25 yards
Net stash added: 27.15 yards.
We've been talking colours and designs lately, Becca who is the mommy-to-be, and I so as soon as I get a chance, I can start sewing up quilt pieces and baby quilts. She's 21 weeks now, and definitely looking like there is a baby coming. She says she's feeling it moving a lot, and Matt's been able to feel the odd kick or two as well. It's getting very exciting!! I'm linking up to Judy's Fabric Report, Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching and Angie's WIPs Be Gone. I haven't checked out any of the links from other people on those sites yet, so I just might do that now, and give the tip pf my finger a rest.
Thursday, 3 September 2015
Sneak peak, and a bit more
And now, it's time for a glass of ice cold coke, since it is quite warm around here today, and then it's back to work.
Tuesday, 1 September 2015
September...... already?!?!
I've been laying low for the last 4 or 5 days, literally. I hit the fibromyalgia wall on Friday, and spent the next 2 days on the couch. I hate it when that happens, because then nothing else happens. No sewing, no knitting, no stitching, no coherent thinking, therefore no blog posts, just exhaustion and brain fog. But it seems to have passed, and I'm back to normal. I wish I could figure out a rhyme or reason for when and why it happens, because then I could figure out how to prevent it. Ah well......
I loaded a customer quilt today, and am hoping to have it done by tomorrow afternoon. I'm using a new to me pantograph called "Eclipse"

But in the meantime for this evening, I think I will take it easy, put on netflix and do some stitching. If I push myself too much too soon, I'll be back to being the blob on the couch. I think I have some orange stars for La Passacaglia to keep me busy.