It was such a lovely day here. Just like a perfect warm, but not too hot or muggy, summer day. I took advantage of it to wash up the winter quilts, and hang them out on the line to dry. They always smell so good afterwards. These are all quilts that I did before I started blogging, but after I started long arm quilting, so I thought I'd take pictures of them and show them.
This one started as a Churn Dash quilt, using 5 inch squares. There were supposed to be an awful lot of them, and I ran out of steam, and got tired of doing them. While browsing through the Quilters Cache website, I came across the block she calls
Flies in the Barn. This was one of the first 5 or 6 quilts I did on the long arm, so I'm not going to show any of the quilting. I learned a LOT doing this one. I did a different block inset design in each of the squares, just to try them out, and learn how they worked.
I totally LOVE the pattern Storm at Sea, and made this one 6 years ago. It is one of the few quilts I have ever put a label, or a hanging sleeve on. This quilt was actually our very low tech solution to a very drafty front door that badly needs to be replaced. Not even weather stripping would help it. So my husband came up with the idea to hang this quilt over the door, with a curtain rod placed up near the ceiling. We were able to pull the quilt completely over the front door, and block all the drafts. It looked pretty too. He's so smart.
This is the back of the Storm at Sea which shows the quilting........... the beginning of my obsession with feathers. I think this is the first one I was truly happy with, and I took it around to various quilts shops in the area when I was first letting them know I was in business, and looking for customers.
This is my version of Bonnie Hunter's
My Blue Heaven. I think it was the first time I did an all over pattern in the center of a quilt, and then something different in the borders. This was also one I did while I was learning, before I took in any customer quilts. I was, and still am, happy with the way it turned out. There are baptist fans in the center, and a fun kind of swirly design in the flying geese and the borders around the geese. I actually put on these borders just so I could do that quilting design.

So, between doing all the laundry, and hanging it out, and working on a quilt, that's how I spent my day. And in between, I enjoyed the warm breezes and tried very hard to ignore all the weeds in the gardens. LOL!! All in all, a good day.