Leo’s Mane Sew Along

Sunday 9 June 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

 I am so pleased with myself. I am successfully exercising self discipline. The new linen for the new project I want to start arrived on Friday. I haven’t even taken it out of the plastic bag it is in. I am determined to get my current piece finished before starting the next one. With that in mind, I spent last evening working on the light blue flowers across the bottom band. Those are almost finished. After that there is the dark blue accents and it is done. Another day or two should finish it. Of course the other thing that is slowing me down on the new project is the knowledge that the first thing I have to do with it is stitch in a bunch of grid lines. Every time I start a new stitchery I am tempted to skip that step. But then I make a mistake and catch it only because I notice that the stitch is not lining up to the grid lines on the pattern and I am thankful that I took the time to put those grid lines in. So, I will not skip it this time either.

I’ll link up to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching and then maybe do some more stitching.


  1. Beautiful stitching, and lovely project!

  2. I can remember many a time I've sang this hymn in church. Your stitching is lovely.


I love reading all your comments, and am grateful for each one. I try very hard to answer them all, but lately I haven’t quite been able to answer all of them.