Leo’s Mane Sew Along

Sunday 6 March 2011

Stash report Week 10

There wasn't a whole lot of sewing going on here this past week. I managed to get 2 more customer quilts finished, both of them baby quilts, so my backlog number is down to 2. The first of those 2 is scheduled to go onto the machine on Wednesday. It's big one, though, so it will take a couple of days to do.
This first quilt is one of Sandra's . It's quilted with an all over stars and loops meander, using King Tut in the top thread, and Bottom line in the bobbin. I love how quilting can take a very basic pattern and add a whole new dimension to a quilt.

This is one of Charlene's quilts. A baby quilt for her grandson, It's quilted in a Dave Hudson ABC's pantograph, using King Tut thread in the top, and Masterpiece thread in the bobbin.

Now to the stash report:

Used this week:            2 yards
Used year to date:       42 yards
In this week:                 0 yards
In year to date:            91.5 yards
Balance:                   +50.3

So, there was no new fabric added again this week. Woohoo! Unless, of course, you count the fabric that I ordered this past week for diapers. But, since they aren't quilt related, I'm not going to add them in. At least, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. LOL! To see how other people are doing with their fabric numbers, go over to Patchwork Times I'm hoping to get the hexagon baby quilt, which I've designated as my #1 UFO, finished up on Tuesday, and loaded onto the machine after I finished the king size one that is due this week. If that works out, the amount used number will go up from the borders and backing numbers.


  1. Your quilting looks great. Look at the "Used year to date" number and we have only just begun March - that is terrific!

  2. Your story works for me! Congrats on getting caught up on your backlog.


I love reading all your comments, and am grateful for each one. I try very hard to answer them all, but lately I haven’t quite been able to answer all of them.