Leo’s Mane Sew Along

Tuesday 1 March 2011

100 block challenge squares

I am pleased to say that there are now 5 less blocks on that 100 block challenge to do list today, than there were yesterday. Blocks 102- Norse Bloom, 105- Hope Blooms, 139- Hugs and Kisses, 147- Dot Goes to School, 175- Vanishing Squares, are done. I made modifications to Hope Blooms, by leaving off the corner triangles, and the words in the square, which I might put in later. I have a large collection of finished, but not yet put into a quilt, applique squares that I've done over the years. I think some of these applique squares are going to get added to the ones already there, to make an applique sampler. They are all different sizes, and different background fabrics, so they will sit in their box until I come up with an idea to set them all together.


  1. Good for you getting those blocks done. Your applique blocks look fabulous.

  2. Beautiful blocks, love the applique!

  3. Great job. Those are all wonderful blocks but the applique ones are fabulous. Just beautiful.

  4. As usually, I'm late reading posts. My jaw dropped when I saw all your blocks! They are gorgeous; love them all. PS I have over 300 messages to read; I need to modify my blog list fast.


I love reading all your comments, and am grateful for each one. I try very hard to answer them all, but lately I haven’t quite been able to answer all of them.