Leo’s Mane Sew Along

Sunday 18 February 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

 What is the saying about the best laid plans? I had plans to get all the hand stitching done on My Tweets. Some friends and I went fabric shopping last Wednesday and I bought the fabrics for the sashing and backing for My Tweets. I had wanted to get the stitching finished and get a start on trimming up the blocks and adding the sashing to them. Not a stitch was done. Of course, I could blame it on the continuing renovations and the necessity of getting all my stuff out of the bedroom in order to lay the new floor which left very little time and no energy at the end of the day for anything except mindless sock knitting. Yep, that sounds good. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. So, one “frankensock" is done and the second one started. I’m almost to the second colour on the second sock.

I’ll link up to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching


  1. There's always another day for your 'My Tweets'. Those socks look fabulous!

  2. Your Frankensocks are coming along well.


I love reading all your comments, and am grateful for each one. I try very hard to answer them all, but lately I haven’t quite been able to answer all of them.