What a week! It’s been crazy! I worked like mad on Tuesday and Wednesday last week, because I knew I was going to the dentist on Thursday to have at least one tooth yanked out, maybe two. Turned out to be just the one...... whew! But, because I’m such a coward when it comes to the dentist, I opt for the IV sedation, which meant I was out for the count all day Thursday. And then, because it was really sore, and I didn’t sleep at all well Thursday night, I was mostly out for the count on Friday. Thankfully, I have a husband who cooks, because Friday we did up the turkey and stuffing for our dinner on Saturday. Actually, I should say that Scott did the cooking on Friday. All I did was add the seasoning to the stuffing, since it’s a family thing that came from my side of the family, and I seem to be the only one who knows how it goes. I’ve tried to write the recipe down, but since I don’t measure things, it’s really hard to write it down, for the seasonings, at least. The rest of it they know how to do.
Our wonderful little Avery came down to visit on the weekend. Noel drove 3 1/2 hours up to get him, then 3 1/2 hours back here on Friday. They arrived shortly after 11 pm on Friday. I figured Avery would be so tired, he’d have to be carried in right to bed, but he was awake when they got here. I got a short cuddle and rocking in the rocking chair with him, before they headed up to bed about midnight. Saturday, we played all day, as well as had our dinner. We had so much fun, I only got one picture, since we were too busy doing to stop and take a picture of what we were doing.

Scott has a trains program on his computer, and they both love playing it.
I did a little better getting pictures on Sunday. Scott and Avery were playing with remote control cars.

And then a little later, Avery helped Grampy dry some dishes.

I love watching the two of them interact. Scott is so good and so patient with him. He’s a fabulous Grampy.
Noel did the 3 1/2 hours to take Avery home and then the 3 1/2 hours back to his place again on Sunday. It’s a lot of driving, but it was so very worth it. This was his first weekend trip down to see us, and I wasn’t 100% sure how it would go, but there weren’t any problems at all.
Yesterday was a recovery day, after the weekend. A little netflix, a little hand stitching, and a lot of blog writing for the London Friendship Quilters’ Blog. I’m doing the blog for this year and next as well. I’m doing a free sampler presented on the blog, so I wanted to get a fair way ahead on writing up the blocks to prevent ending up feeling pressured. There are posts done for it now up until January. You can go
here and take a look if you’re interested. The blocks are being posted on the first and third Thursday of the month. And that takes us up to today, which was spent working. I finished up a customer quilt and loaded and started another. This evening,I’m heading out to Gail’s for a couple of hours of visiting and hand stitching. Whew..... I’m tired out again, just writing about it all!
I’m finding that doing the two blogs, this is the one that is getting less attention. I might not get back to doing posts about individual customer quilts for the next while. Instead, I’ll try to do short snippets of what I’m up to, hopefully more frequently, with just peaks at the quilting as it’s happening, rather than pictures of the entire quilt.
Anyway, time to go get ready to head out for a couple of hours of quilty friend time. I’ll be taking one of the last three rosettes for La Passacaglia.