Leo’s Mane Sew Along

Sunday 14 December 2014

Stash Report, week 50, 2014

Ok, now that is just too weird........ week 50 of 2014....... how did that come so fast?!?!? I had plans, great plans, on having my stash numbers read in negative numbers this year, meaning more used than added. I somehow don't think I'm going to make it. Oh well, a girl just has to have fabric to play with, and the choices in my stash for large amounts of fabric are getting limited. I've got lots of fat quarters, but not as much in yardage. I'm making pillow cases, and it was a real challenge to come up with combinations for the cuffs in fabrics that I had that weren't fat quarters. I have stash added numbers again this week, but almost all of it is for those pillow cases. The rest of it is diagonal stripes that I love using for bindings, and pick up whenever available.

Used this week:                                                5 yards
Used this year:                                            116.4 yards
Added this week:                                               9 yards
Added this year:                                            134.75 yards
Balance:                                                    18.35 yards net added

I'm continuing to make backings for quilts that are waiting for quilting, so that when time or mood hit, they are ready to be loaded onto the machine and finished. The next quilt getting a backing is my Rainbow Scrappy Challenge. I have some fabrics here, none of them more than a yard each, that fit into the "what on earth was I thinking?" category of fabrics. So I think I'm going to cut them up and make them into a scrappy type backing, along with left over blocks from the quilt.
I'm linking up with Judy's Stash Report, and then I think I'll get to work on that backing.


  1. Your numbers look good to me. I think your piecing the backing is a great way to use up stash. That's on my to do list for next year. It's on my list every year, but I didn't get many quilt tops finished, so backing were not needed yet. Good luck n 2015 for using much more stash.


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