It's been a while since I did a post for design wall Monday. For some reason lately, I haven't had my act together enough to have picture and time to write on Mondays. I put up a few more fabrics on the wall for this Plus Sign quilt today, filling up the space at the top of the wall. Since I took this picture, I've gotten the first four vertical rows webbed together. I'll sew the horizontal seams once all the verticals that are up there right now are done. I think that will be the easiest way to keep track of which fabrics are going where. If there are any left over at the bottom or at the sides when this section is done, I'll pin them to the wall so they don't get lost. Then I can use them as the starting point for another section, depending on how big I decide to make it. I still have a lot of sets of five squares of fabric left, so it has the potential to be at least twin sized. I'm using 2 1/2 inch squares for this. When all sewn together, this section will be 40x48 inches. It's a good start. There are a couple of spots where I can see that maybe the fabrics need to be moved around for greater contrast between the plus signs. I'm not sure if I'm going to get that fussy about it, though. Or maybe, just the one spot where the yellow/green is running into each other..........
I'm going to link up to Judy's
Patchwork Times
I love your plus quilt. I've beencutting sets and saving for one too. I think it's about time I get mine up on the wall too. Thanks for the inspiration .