Leo’s Mane Sew Along

Friday 8 November 2013

Orca Bay is finished

 I have another finish! I'm turning into a lean, mean finishing machine, well, maybe not lean, and certainly not mean. The binding went onto Orca Bay yesterday. It was pouring down rain yesterday, though, so I couldn't get any pictures until this afternoon. I wanted this quilt to be a bit bigger than the original instructions, so I added a couple more borders to it.

                                                                                    There is so much going on in this quilt that I
decided to use a very basic design for the quilting. I've been using this one more often lately, Square Spiral by Keryn Emmersen. I like the way it follows the strong diagonal lines in the piecing. I used one of the diagonal stripe fabric I keep in my stash for doing bindings, and again used a faux piping technique to sew the binding on completely by machine. For some people, doing the final part of stitching the binding by hand is one of their favourite parts of doing the quilt. I'm not of that mind. By the time I get to putting the binding on a quilt, I am usually more than ready to have it done, and don't want to take the additional time to hand stitch it down. There's a short tutorial on how to do this kind of binding here. Unless I have an irregular edge on a quilt, or piecing where the points would end up cut off, this is my go to binding .  I'm linking up to Finish it up Friday and Can I Get a Whoop Whoop in order to celebrate this finish.


  1. Congratulations on your amazing finish. A lot of hard work in this quilt!!! Thank you for sharing ....Marie (mlismore@optusnet.com.au)

  2. Quilters live in fear of you! Never admit you are not lean and mean!

  3. This is beautiful, Cathy! I love it. And I am thinking I need that panto also :).

  4. Congratulations on your beautiful rendition of Orca Bay. I have long admired Bonnie Hunter's designs and you have created a real treasure.

  5. Way to go on the very BIG finish! It looks great!

  6. very saturated colors!
    I learned to quilt living in Edmonton at the same time as you learned! It started a long love affair with quilting and art.
    LeeAnna Paylor


I love reading all your comments, and am grateful for each one. I try very hard to answer them all, but lately I haven’t quite been able to answer all of them.