I can't believe a week has gone by since I wrote anything here. Time has just been going way too. fast. It's not that I haven't been doing anything, but more like I've been doing too much, and haven't been slowing down enough to enjoy it, or write about it. So this is going to be a combination of at least 2 different posts..... stash report and getting it done challenge report. I suppose I could do design wall report too, but since there isn't anything new there, that's an easy one.
So, stash report for week 26:
Used this week: 2.3 yards
Used this year: 75.4 yards
Added this week: 0 yards
Added this year: 131.25 yards
Balance: 55.85 more yards in than out. And that number is about to go up.
Thousands of Bolts is having a sale on their fat quarters at the moment. Since I have been doing a fair amount of sewing lately, just not writing about it or taking pictures (bad blogger), I've used up almost all my selection of light neutrals. So, I've ordered a whole pile more. And then, because a Lady of the Lake quilt, done in reds/greys/aquas/yellows is on my want-to-do list, I ordered a whole pile of those, too. And after all, I haven't had any fabric input since week 15, so it's time for a reload. LOL!!
Ok, what's next...... progress report on Getting it Done Challenge. Last month I listed 4 things I wanted to get done.
1. Catch up on Grandmother's Choice blocks. I have the last 4 blocks done, but I'm still 6 behind. I'm supposed to have 44 done, but I only have 38. But, I'll count this as good, because at least some of it was done. Some of the blocks that aren't done need to be printed out, and our printer is out of ink. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
2. Get step 3 of Lazy Sunday Mystery finished. This is really close to being done, so that's another I'll count as almost accomplished, and therefore good.
3. Continue working on Meteor Shower. This one didn't get touched :(

4. Quilt and bind Gratitude.

This one didn't get done either. But, it did get sent off in a box, along with 6 or 7 other unquilted tops, to a shop in Calgary called My Sewing Room. They are quilting and binding tops for the victims of the flooding in southern Alberta. I had more quilt tops here than I could possibly quilt or use, so I sent them off where they can be finished and used. So I'll count this one as done, since it is no longer here.
Next up..... July's list for
Getting it Done Challenge
1. Grandmother's Choice..... keep up and maybe even catch up.
2. I would really like to get some of my own quilts that I have hanging here done, or at least figured out what to do with them. With this in mind, I would like to come up with a quilting plan for my Scrappy Dresden Plates. The first thought that
comes to mind is to do feathers, but I want to challenge myself to try something new and different, I'm just not quite sure what, yet.
3. I'm really being tempted by the
Deck-ade the halls quilt along that I'm seeing on various blogs, and I think I might like to do this one.
4. Finish step 3 of the Lazy Sunday Mystery.
There, that doesn't sound too bad, and should be doable. And I will try, really hard from here on in, to keep up with the blogging. I've gotten into a bad habit lately of getting an idea for a post, but then I procrastinate doing it, and then before I know it, a day or 2 pass, and then I get another idea and procrastinate etc......