Leo’s Mane Sew Along

Monday 11 February 2013

Design wall Monday, Feb. 11, 2013

I don't have a design wall this week. But I do have a design floor. I started a new quilt on Saturday, and got 2 squares done then. Yesterday, I sat down and made a 3rd square. If I make one more, I can count it as one quarter of the squares for the main body of the quilt done.
I am totally and completely in love with these squares. I think this is going to be one of those work on it consistently until it is done patterns.
But the really big accomplishment of the week has been the condition of the studio/bedroom. All of the stuff and clutter is out of it. Only the essentials to long arming, and a little sewing now and then remain.

From here on, it should be easy to do stuff as necessary in this room. It still needs painting and the baseboards put in. The new closet looks great. I have a couple of customer quilts to do this week. I'm hoping to have them done by Thursday. I'm working a 3 day weekend starting on Friday, so Scott is planning on doing the wall repairs, and painting and baseboards while I'm at work.  I need to figure out something to do with the threads before then, since all the peg board will be coming down, and the bulletin board on the back of the door will have to come down too. Then on Monday I can contact the next person on my list to bring her quilts over. And I'll just continue working this way until city hall gets its act in gear and decides what they will let us do. In the meantime, if we have to leave this room as a studio set up while the house is being sold, at least the people coming in to see it won't run out screaming in reaction to all the chaos in this room.
I'm linking up to Judy's Patchwork Times Design wall Monday post. There is lots of fun stuff to see over there today.


  1. I a going to do some more scrappy trips blocks tonight. Your leaf blocks look great. This will be a lovely quilt.

  2. Your leaf blocks *do* look great!! How is your long arm room in the new place coming along? Have fun working your quilts!!! :)

  3. I love the circles of maple leaves in autum colors! so pretty :) is it your own design?

  4. Your leaf blocks are beautiful.

  5. I love your leaf blocks! Is that a Judy Martin pattern? Looks great!

  6. I have been following your blog posts regarding your move with interest. My family and I are slooowly moving to a new home too. Working on the new house and moving things and then wishing I had those items in the old house. lol Hope the sale goes quickly and your move is smooth. Love the new quilt!


I love reading all your comments, and am grateful for each one. I try very hard to answer them all, but lately I haven’t quite been able to answer all of them.