I have a new favourite tool. A metal magnetic pin bowl. I am terrible for constantly knocking my pin container off whatever surface it happens to be sitting on. I saw one of these advertised, thought it a great idea, and promptly ordered one. If I knock it off now, no problems, the pins stay right in the bowl, instead of scattered all over my flour. Not only that, but the pins line up in a lovely circle around the edge of the bowl that make it simple for grabbing one at a time. What I didn't count on was an added bonus. The rails of my quilting machine are metal. I can put my bowl of pins on the rail, and it stays put. Woohoo!! Makes loading quilts ever so much easier.
On a separate note, I leaned a rather hard lesson yesterday - never ignore internal promptings to do something. I had been off work on vacation for 11 days, and several times during that period I had thought that I should go in to work and check and see if the new schedules were out, and put in my availability. I ignored it, thinking that when I went in Monday, yesterday, it would be time enough. WRONG!! I checked the schedule when I got there, and it had been filled in for me, and sent down to staffing, at which point no changes are allowed. So there are now more shifts filled in than I usually do, on days that I didn't want to work. Needless to say, I'm rather upset with myself. On the good side......... the pay checks will be good. I normally only do 6 8 hour shifts in a 2 week period. There are 8 1/2 shifts in one of the 2 week periods that are booked for me. The other 2 week period has 6 and the other has 7. This could be very interesting. Maybe I can add the extra shift funds into my trailer savings fund.........................??????
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Monday, 27 June 2011
Design Wall Monday June 27
I have a confession to make. I went out to Best Buy the other night and picked up Season one of Star Trek, the Next Generation. Yes, I'm a Trekkie. There, I said it. And, while watching episodes 1 to 8, I prepped and glue basted My Tweets block for June. I am so enjoying doing this BOM. It is quite time intensive for the actual preparation of the blocks. But once they are prepared, they are the perfect take along project, needing only appropriate coloured embroidery floss, needle and a small pair of scissors. No pins to get stuck with, or drop all over at the most inconvenient time or place. Just pick it up and start sewing. It travels with me to work, and appointments and on car and camping trips. And it will be going to work with me this afternoon. After a break of 11 days, I'm back to work again. Why do days off always fly by so quickly? (sigh) To see more design walls, go on over to Judy's Patchwork Times Ther is always lots to see there. When I was there about 20 minutes ago, there were already 60 other walls to look at. Lots and lots of eye candy and inspiration.
Edit: LynCC from What a Hoot has asked that I link my BOM to her linky for BOM', so I've done that as well as linking with Judy
Edit: LynCC from What a Hoot has asked that I link my BOM to her linky for BOM', so I've done that as well as linking with Judy
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Stash Report Week 26
I finally have some more fabric use to report. I have caught up on all 5 of the customer quilts I had backlogged. One per day over the past week. Does that ever feel good, to have them done. I'll post pics in a separate post. The really great thing about being caught up is that I get to work on some of my own. I loaded on my Crazy Curves quilt yesterday, and got a really good start on it, before my tension went wonkey, which is my machine's way of telling me that we've had enough for the day. I also used up a small amount prepping June's My Tweets. So, the numbers:
Used this week: 4.2 yards
Used this year: 68.7 yards
Purchased this week: 0
Purchased this year: 95.5 yards
Balance: +26.8
I'm getting close to breaking even, and there have been no quilting fabric purchases since March. Not bad, not bad at all. And since no blog post is complete without a picture, here's one of the progress so far on Crazy Curves:
For more Stash Reports, go on over to Judy's Patchwork Times
Used this week: 4.2 yards
Used this year: 68.7 yards
Purchased this week: 0
Purchased this year: 95.5 yards
Balance: +26.8
For more Stash Reports, go on over to Judy's Patchwork Times
Monday, 20 June 2011
Design Wall Monday June 20
The rest of this week isn't going to be anywhere near as much fun. I'm off work at the hospital until the weekend, so my goal is to get all my customer quilts finished. I'm well on the way to that goal, since I finished one today. I'll be loading another tomorrow. I want to be able to get them done, so that I can get to quilting the backlog of my own quilts.
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
I'm sitting here blog hopping and resting, and I was just looking at my post from yesterday, when it came out and hit me........ 2 sections of 2 different path blocks are turned the wrong way. Darn, drat and "oh bother" as Winnie the Pooh would say. Now I have to pick them out and turn them around. Rats. And I stared at that thing after it was up on the wall for quite a long time, and didn't see it. Good thing I looked at that picture again, and found it before the whole thing was together. A lot of mistakes in my quilts I will let go, but not those. That's what I get for being in a hurry, and for working on that quilt, instead of the customer ones I should be. LOL. So, having said that, I'd best go upstairs and put and hour, or so, into the quilt that is on the machine. (sigh)
Monday, 13 June 2011
Design Wall Monday June 13
Bear Tracks grew some more this past week and is still on my design wall. All the main blocks are done, and are half sewn together. There is still a fair bit of work left to do on it, though, in order to get all the border units done. Unfortunately, it's going to have to wait. There are more walls to look at over at Judy's Patchwork Times
I have a few customer quilts that have to get finished up. I've been badly procrastinating on them, and the pressure of knowing they are there waiting is starting to bother me. I'm working 3-11 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, so there won't be a whole lot accomplished these days. But I'm off for 11 days after this, some of which will be spent visiting Noel and Laurie and Avery. We're going up on Friday, coming back Sunday, hopefully armed with lots of pics. It's hard to fathom that tomorrow it will be 4 weeks since he was born. The time is flying too fast. And speaking of time flying so fast, yesterday was Matt and Becca's first wedding anniversary. It seems like just yesterday I was trying to get all the bridesmaids' dresses done. Wow! They have had a good year, though, and are growing together as a couple in the Lord. Matt wrote this to Becca:
Well sweetie, it's official now. 1yr! You are sleeping right now, but as I look and see how comfy and how content you look. I am truly blessed to have you as my wife. I thank God for these moments. 1yr ago my life changed for the better! I love you very much and look forward to many more years of happiness with you!
What mother could hope for more for her daughter.
I have a few customer quilts that have to get finished up. I've been badly procrastinating on them, and the pressure of knowing they are there waiting is starting to bother me. I'm working 3-11 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, so there won't be a whole lot accomplished these days. But I'm off for 11 days after this, some of which will be spent visiting Noel and Laurie and Avery. We're going up on Friday, coming back Sunday, hopefully armed with lots of pics. It's hard to fathom that tomorrow it will be 4 weeks since he was born. The time is flying too fast. And speaking of time flying so fast, yesterday was Matt and Becca's first wedding anniversary. It seems like just yesterday I was trying to get all the bridesmaids' dresses done. Wow! They have had a good year, though, and are growing together as a couple in the Lord. Matt wrote this to Becca:
Well sweetie, it's official now. 1yr! You are sleeping right now, but as I look and see how comfy and how content you look. I am truly blessed to have you as my wife. I thank God for these moments. 1yr ago my life changed for the better! I love you very much and look forward to many more years of happiness with you!
What mother could hope for more for her daughter.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Stash Report Week 24
In addition to all the yard work, we finally finished putting the new M&M wheels on my Millie machine. WOW, what a difference in the way that machine moves, smooth and tone of control that I didn't have before. I can see a whole new way of being able to quilt coming. And finally, all of the main blocks for Bear Tracks are sewn, and most of the cutting for the border blocks is done. So my stash report numbers are up:
Fabric used this week: 1.8 yards
Fabric used this year: 64.5 yards
Fabric purchased this week: 0 yards
Fabric purchased this year: 95.5 yards
Balance: +31 yards
To see more stash reports, go on over to Judy's Patchwork Times
Monday, 6 June 2011
Design Wall Monday June 6
We finally have a decent summer day. The kind where we can comfortably sit outside in the yard on the swing for morning coffee. Pure bliss. The irises are in bloom, the roses just starting to show a bit of colour, and the peonies just starting to open up. The pond is partially reconstructed, and the water is gently trickling, making an attempt to cover up the occasional annoying barking from the dogs next door. There is barely any breeze, so, after I finish writing this, I am going to pack up what I need to work on Bear Tracks and bring it all outside.
My design wall has a couple of things on it. My progress so far on My Tweets and my progress so far On Bear Tracks.

My design wall has a couple of things on it. My progress so far on My Tweets and my progress so far On Bear Tracks.
And then, no post right now would be complete without a picture of the reason why there hasn't been any recent design walls, or much quilting going on. Our beautiful, adorable grandson Avery. This is going to one of the last current pictures I have of him, unless his Mom and Dad take pity on me and send some down. We don't know, right now, when we are going to be able to go back and see them again. I miss him so much already, and we just left them on Friday. He'll have changed so much by the time we get to see them again. (sigh)
If you want to see other inspirational design walls, pop on over to Judy's Patchwork Times There is always lots to see there.
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Stash report Week 23
I haven't been doing a whole lot of stash reduction in the past couple of weeks. We've been spending the time either working, or visiting our recently enlarged family. I did get a My Tweets block all prepped, busting 12 inches, and then worked on Bear Tracks a little bit yesterday and today before going in to work, which used up another 18 inches. The reason for this lack of sewing? Our grandson Avery who was born 2 1/2 weeks ago. How's that for an excuse to slip in yet another picture of him? LOL!!
Now, to the numbers:
Fabric used this week: 30 inches
Fabric used this year: 62.7 yards
Fabric purchased this week: 0
Fabric purchased this year: 95.5 yards
Balance: + 28.3 yards
Go on over, if you want to see how others are reducing their stash, to Judy's place at Patchwork Times Her numbers are amazing for this week.
Now, to the numbers:
Fabric used this week: 30 inches
Fabric used this year: 62.7 yards
Fabric purchased this week: 0
Fabric purchased this year: 95.5 yards
Balance: + 28.3 yards
Go on over, if you want to see how others are reducing their stash, to Judy's place at Patchwork Times Her numbers are amazing for this week.
Friday, 3 June 2011
We're home.....
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Vacation time
And what would be a post, without a picture of that beautiful boy.
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