I’ve gotten six more Moda Blockheads 4 blocks finished since last I posted. These 2 blocks finished the third row. I’m still pulling from my red and greys and yellow scrap bins. Here are the three rows all sew together.
And then the four for the next row.
I believe the last of the blocks from Moda will be released in the middle of September. I’m hoping to have all the blocks done by October. I think that’s a do-able goal. I’m going to link this post up to Mid Week Makers.
The end of this section of my Harbour Village cross stitch is getting closer. Depending on how much time I spend on it in the next week or two, it just might be done. I’ve started filling in the little bits where there are only two or three crosses of a colour before moving on to the next little bit of colour. There is still a fair amount of stuff left to stitch down at the bottom right and then some boats to add in and also all the detail back stitching. There is a reason it is called slow stitching and I enjoy it for that reason...... slow and relaxing.
We had thought of going out this afternoon for a walk along one of the rivers, and may still do that. Then again, laziness and a desire to stitch may take over. We will decide once we’ve finished lunch.
I’m linking to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching.
I’ve managed to get a few more the Moda Blockheads 4 squares done. I’m hoping to get at a few more today. In the meantime, here are the three I have finished.
I think this takes me up to 14 finished now. These are mostly being done out of my blacks and red scraps.
The yellow background is yardage I had left over from other projects and I have yardage to do some borders when all the blocks are finished and together.
I was able to go to the Prayers and Squares group this week. Last week was occupied quite enjoyably with our grand daughter at the park. This week she has day camp, so I was able to go. Anyhow, the stacked bricks quilt we have been working on is now a finished top. After I took this picture we were actually able to get it sandwiched and some ties put into it. Next week will hopefully see it quilted and bound and then it can go to its new home.
I’ve only gotten 3 quilt squares done in the past week or so. One for the Moda Blockheads 4 which I am using reds and yellows and grays to make. The other 2 are for the block of the month from A Quilting Life which I am doing out of my blues bins.
Everything else going on here involves our garden output and then an impulse buy from our semi local garden market. We have been enjoying the pickles and relishes from our home grown cucumbers so much that I impulsively bought a half bushel of pickling cucumbers on Monday. I seriously underestimated the amount that would be in that half bushel. I also didn’t account for in my planning all the different sized cucumbers that would be in it. So after cleaning them all, I sorted into sizes... small for whole dill pickles, medium for sliced sweet pickles,
large for dill pickles quartered down the length of the cucumber and extra large for sweet pickle relish. The pickle relish is currently almost finished its 2 hour soak in cold salt water. Once that is done I will drain it and cook it up in its vinegar/sugar solution and get it into jars and then water bath it. Another couple of hours should do it. It is a lot of work, but I love the satisfaction of seeing the finished jars lined up and cooling on the counter.
I am almost exclusively working on my Harbour Village cross stitch as my hand work project these days. The intense village scene is almost finished. After that there are 3 more borders to it and it can be called finished, except for framing of course. That could be a bit of a challenge as the one place in town that I know of that did framing for cross stitch pieces has changed ownership and no longer does it. However, I just did a quick online search and there is another place in town that I can try, so I’m good to go.
It is another gorgeous day out so I am going to make this a quick post, link up to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching and then take my stitching and myself outside to enjoy it.
I’m continuing to work on my Moda Blockheads 4 sampler, the patterns for which are found here. Over the years my tastes in fabrics and quilts have changed. I used to only like sampler designs that were based on the same type blocks together, four patch or nine patch type, and they needed to have sashings to divide and highlight the blocks. Now I really like samplers that have all different type blocks in them, set side by side. That’s what this particular sampler does. In the past week I’ve made six more blocks for a total of 10 so far. I’ve been sewing them into rows of five as I go. I’ve noticed a goof in the top left block which I am going to have to fix.