Leo’s Mane Sew Along

Sunday 20 December 2020

Slow Stitching

I’m continuing with knitting as my main focus for slow stitching. I finished my hat and my thrummed mittens. So very soft  and so  very toasty warm. When I finished those it occurred to me that I have a very large stash of leftover worsted weight yarns that could be used to make even more pairs of mittens. I wasn’t certain however that I had enough of the roving to do another pair, so I bought some more from my local yarn shop. I seem to have more than enough now. I can probably furnish enough thrummed mitts for the whole family with the amount that is here. My sweater is set aside for the moment while I work on another pair of mitts. If I can get them done in time they may end up as a Christmas gift for our daughter. So with that goal in mind, I will publish this post and link to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching and then get back to knitting.


  1. your knitting is great! I wish I could do it as well - still learning here

  2. Beautiful cozy hat and mitts! Love the colours in the ones for your daughter too.

  3. OHH, that is a great use for unspun roving. I have several colors of natural Shetland roving that would be great for thrumb mittens. Yours look fantastic!

  4. How lovely the hat and mittens are. Love the pattern of the mittens. Such a pretty colour, too.

  5. Those mittens are incredibly warm and your 2 sets look really pretty!

  6. Your knitted mittens are very pretty.


I love reading all your comments, and am grateful for each one. I try very hard to answer them all, but lately I haven’t quite been able to answer all of them.