And have the beginnings of another.

This whole project has been designed and laid out using Electric Quilt 8 software. The overall look I’m going for is this quilt.

It is using up 6 inch, 10 inch and 12 inch blocks that were already made and sitting in various boxes.I’m making 18 inch and 20 inch blocks to fill in and add extra scale. Those large blocks have the added advantage of using up tons of scraps and fat quarters that have been hiding deep in the stash for many years. Some of the blocks in the computer mack up have been coloured to match and others haven’t. i’m having loads of fun doing this and may have become just slightly obsessed by the project. It may just get finished by the end of March.
I’m linking up to Monday Making, Design Wall Monday and Oh Scrap. And then I think I’ll finish that partially made block.
Lovely block! I've got lots of pieces and parts but not many completed extra blocks around here. There are certainly WAY too many fat quarters and scraps!