It’s been over a month since I’ve had the chance to write up a blog post. Half of that time was spent with a really really nasty case of a blocked bile duct, which ended up with an hospital stay of ten days, after two very nasty emergency room visits. I am so very grateful for our health care in this country. I think it ranks one of the best in the world. However, it has one large flaw..... emergency rooms are backed up and packed to the limits. I spent over five hours in pain and retching, laying out on a couch in the emergency room waiting room, before getting in to be seen. After that though, the care and the speed in which things were looked after was fine.
I was discharged from hospital April 29th, and I’m just now beginning to get back to something close to normal. I still don’t have the energy or stamina to be able to get things done, but it’s coming. Needless to say, I have no desire to EVER repeat that experience. The true measure of just how sick I was is found in the fact that there were three weeks during which there was no needle, thread or fabric even touched.
About a week ago I started back in working on Orion’s Belt. I would love to get this done because there are so many more designs using this kite shape floating around in my brain, itching to get out.

We’re heading out for our first camping trip of the year this weekend. It’s our grandson’s 6th birthday today. He’s going to be coming camping with us, so we’ll celebrate with him then.

It’s so hard to believe it’s been six years already. It seems like only a week or two. It has been so much fun watching him grow, finding out the person that he’s becoming. So far, he is very much his Daddy’s son, both in looks and also in temperament and behaviours. It’s like watching our son grow up all over again.
We’re getting to spend some extra time with our grand daughter this week. Her baby sitter is sick, so we are filling in. What a joy she is, even if she is trying my currently limited energy reserves. Scott’s been doing the majority of care and chasing, and he’s so very good at it.

What makes her even so much more fun is that, as much as our grandson is so much like our son, our grand daughter is every bit as much like our daughter. It’s like we’re able to enjoy both our children all over again, only better, because we can spend so much more time enjoying them, rather than the every day things that seem to be so overwhelming as a parent. I’ve heard it said so many times, and that’s because it is so true..... being a grand parent is the best thing ever!
I’m going to link up to Lorna’s
Let’s Bee Social and then maybe get a bit more hand stitching done on Orion’s Belt before this little girl wakes up from her nap.