Well, here we are, another Stash report, and nothing has changed. My sewing get up and go ran away from home. And, so far, no one has found it and sent it back home. So, here I sit, doing not much else but sitting and reading. But, it will eventually find its way back home. It always does.
Fabric used this week: 0 yards
Fabric used this year: 48 yards
Fabric in this week: 0 yards
Fabric in this year: 109.25 yards
Balance: 61.25 yards more in than out.
We had a great time yesterday, though. Matt and Becca, and Matt's cousin Seth came over for the day. The fence at the entrance to our yard has been falling over for years, and every summer we say that we really should get it fixed. Well, yesterday was the day. Seth works for a renovation company, so he knows how to do these things, and has all the tools needed. They worked hard all day. The hardest part was digging the 4 foot deep holes that our local building codes require for setting the 4 x 4 posts. Our soil here is solid, rock hard clay. But, they stuck at it, and by the end of the day, we had this.

Now Shelby, our grandpuppy, can come and visit, and have a safe place to run.
While the guys were working on this, Becca gave me a hand going through our large china cabinet and hutch, and sorting through the HUGE amount of stuff in it that hasn't been used for years. For that matter, some of it hadn't seen the light of day in years. There were a large number of boxes of nice stuff, but stuff that I never use, donated to one of the charity stores here in town. That's another thing we've been saying for years that we should do, that finally got done.
Maybe, just maybe, I'll get a New York Beauty or 2 started today before going in to work this afternoon. That's the goal, at least. You'll find out tomorrow if I meet it.
As usual, I'm linking up to Judy's Stash Report linky at
Patchwork Times.