I’ve been slow this week working on my SAHRR. Unfortunately a virus of some sort got me at the end of last week and I’ve been feeling punk and unwell. No energy for even any hand stitching, let alone sitting at the sewing machine or doing any cutting. It seems to be easing off now, so I was able to get some work done on this project today. The prompt this week was “kites” or something beginning with the initial “K”. Well that was easy. I’d already done some Kites Tails, a pattern found in the Quilter’s Cache site, in my quilt in a previous round. So I thought do the same, but in a bigger size. And because I wanted this quilt to end up rectangular, I’m just adding them to the top and bottom. I have one row of them almost done. But I’ve hit a bit of an energy wall, so will have to call it quits for today. I’m hoping to have it all put together in time for the reveal link party. In the meantime, I’ll link up to The Darling Dogwood who is hosting the link party this week.
Friday, 28 February 2025
Stay at Home Round Robin prompt 6
Friday, 21 February 2025
What We’re Working on
There were only 3 of us at our little group yesterday, so our progress was slower and there is less to show. But there is still stuff being done. We are working on ideas for fundraising, a necessity for supporting the number of quilts we do each year. We have a number of lovely wildlife panels that will work well. This one is ready for its borders. They are all animals found here is Muskoka. The Great Granny Squares only need 2 more blocks and then it is ready to put together.
The sampler in blues and greens that I’ve been working on here at home is finished, except for binding.
And I’ve started another, also in blues and greens with the addition of a gold in the blocks.
These are fun to do and a great way to gradually build quilts in between working on others. Susan has finally made her way through sorting all of our odds and ends of fabrics. She’s sorted it all according to sizes and colours and it makes it so much easier to see what we have and hopefully use it. I may end up starting another of these samplers using purples, as we seem to have a lot of that as well. I brought a bag of purples home with me so we’ll see what it becomes.
I’ll link up to Finished, or not, Friday
Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Stay at Home Round Robin, prompt 5
This week’s prompt for the round robin was “Quarter Log Cabins”. A block I love to sew and which works really well with what I have so far. I need 20 of them for the idea I have. The finial decision though, will depend on next week’s prompt. I’ve only managed to get 10 of the quarter log cabin blocks made. I ran out of the dark blue fabric, which was cut offs from some backings. But I know there is more of it on a bolt at the church, so I’ll pick it up tomorrow at our Prayers and Squares sewing day. In the meantime, here’s how it looks so far. Final decisions and add ons will happen next week which will be the last prompt. As it is now, it measures 54x54 inches. I would like it to end up longer than it is wide, but that too will need to wait until next week. I’ll link up to Brenda at Songbird Designs who is hosting this week’s SAHRR link up.
Sunday, 16 February 2025
Slow Sunday Stitching
We are currently in the middle of yet another winter storm. The second in a week and it is dumping a fair amount of snow on us. I have no idea how much, but I must say that I am more than ready to be done with winter. In the meantime, there is plenty to do indoors. A few weeks ago I estimated that it would be taking me 2 weeks to do the hand quilting per square of My Tweets. That was a huge overestimate. I’ve actually been doing 2 squares per week. At this rate the hand quilting just might be done by the end of this month. It will certainly be done before the end of winter, which has been my goal. I am really enjoying revisiting each of these blocks as they are quilted, remembering the fun I had choosing the colours, especially for the tails. And also enjoying the feeling of having spring in my lap, if not outside in reality.
I’ve been indulging myself in a little more spring dreaming by going through a seed catalogue, getting ready to order my seeds, especially those that need to be started early. But until then, I’ll enjoy the spring flowers and birds in this quilt.
I’ll link up to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching
Friday, 14 February 2025
What We’re Working on
I haven’t got a lot of pictures of projects this week. We had to cancel our sewing day yesterday due to the storm that came through over night. Laneways had to be plowed out, especially those along highways where the hard working snowplow people left 3 foot high piles along the edges of roads. Not their fault, it’s the hazard of country living. And then, the parking lot of the church hadn’t been plowed out either, making getting in and out a challenge not worth taking. So we all stayed home. No problem, most of us have stuff at home to work on. I spent some time putting my current sampler of blocks from Pat Speth together. The rows are all done. I have to make some more sashing units before I can put the rows together. These are a fast and easy way to get a lovely quilt, making one block at a time. I quite enjoy the process. We had a light green solid in our stash that I’ve used to back the blocks. It shows the quilting quite nicely.
It’s ben paired with a print that has the same colour as the solid in it. The print hides the folded under edge that is top stitched necessary for the quilt as you go process. The other thing I’ve been working on at home, off and on over the last couple of months, is a Great Granny Square quilt. I have 15 out of 20 blocks done. The fabrics for the rest of the blocks are all ready to go together. It’s quite fun and bright and happy
This will get set together in the quilt as I go style with 2 inch sashing and cornerstones. There are quite a few fun large scale floral and geometric prints that I can use for the backing. And that’s all from my little corner of the quilting world. I’ll link up to Finished, or not, Friday
Wednesday, 12 February 2025
Stay at Home Round Robin Prompt 4
This week’s prompt was a sliced square. When I first read it and saw it I wasn’t sure what to do. It didn’t match up with what I had in mind to go with the stars from the previous prompt. But once I got thinking about it I decided it could work. I took the fabrics that I used in the stars, there was barely enough of the yellow, and cut them into 1 1/2 inch widths and sewed them together and then decided on a 5 1/2 inch square to slice. I trimmed one end of the strip set to a 45 degree angle just to give a consistent starting place for sewing it together.
And in no time at all I had 12 sliced squares. With just a sliver of trimming they came to the 6 1/2 inch size I was going for.
I am actually happier with the final result than I was with my original idea.
The quilt now measures 42 inches square. That was fun and did indeed force me to think outside the box, which is the whole idea behind these SAHRR challenges. I’ll link up to Pieceful Thoughts who is the host for this week’s prompt.
Sunday, 9 February 2025
Slow Sunday Stitching
I am continuing on with my push to get the quilting on My Tweets finished. Last week I mentioned that I was guessing it would take a couple of weeks per block. Well, I seem to be going much faster than that. I got 2 blocks finished and the top border quilted in one week.
I just may be able to meet that goal of getting this quilt done this winter. I’m currently halfway through another block which will take it to 6 out of 12 done. I’m doing the sashings and the borders as I go so there won’t be that large job left at the end. Slowly and steadily will get it completed.
I’ll link up to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching
Friday, 7 February 2025
What We’re Working on
We had quite a few finishes yesterday at our Prayers and Squares Meeting. Lots of quilts got their bindings and a few more were either started or made progress on. Janet has been working on this quilt for a few weeks now. She took it home last week to get the binding finished. Once that was done she started another using 5 inch squares.
It is very bright and cheerful. It will have white sashing between the rows and then a very bright and happy border around it. Pat has been working on this lovely quilt at home.
She brought it in to get some opinions on size and a sashing colour. She found a purple in our stash that worked really well with it. Marg worked on these next 2 quilts, both of which are quilted and in line for binding.
And then these 2 quilts got their binding on. They are now ready to be gifted when the need arrives.
We are starting to build up a bit of an inventory, which is great, although Susan came in yesterday with requests for 4 different people, which will deplete that inventory somewhat. We’ll keep going though, and keep making quilts. I’ll link up to Finished or not Friday.
Wednesday, 5 February 2025
Stay at Home Round Robin
The new prompt to the stay at home round robin was announced on Monday. We are to do stars. It took me a while to come up with an idea and then even longer to decide on colours, based on what I had here at home. I finally decided to do 6 inch Variable Stars, 3 per side of the quilt. I have plans/hopes for what will be on the corners, based on further possible prompts. This quilt will eventually go into the Prayers and Squares mission pile so I don’t want it to end up really big. So the hopes are to combine the prompts into a border. I’ll Link up to Quilting Gail for this rounds link party.
Sunday, 2 February 2025
Slow Sunday Stitching
All my slow stitching this past week has been focused on the hand quilting for My Tweets. I managed to finish 2 blocks. I really want to get this done this winter.
If it isn’t finished this winter, I suspect it will go into time out again until next winter and I really don’t want it to linger that much longer. In theory, I can get a block quilted in about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. There are 9 blocks left, plus the outer border. So it just might be do-able.
I’ll link up to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching and then perhaps put in an hour of hand quilting before heading to my sewing room to do some doll clothes for our Granddaughter.