Leo’s Mane Sew Along

Sunday 21 November 2021

Slow Sunday Stitching

 I’m continuing on with my current slow stitches, my Anisia Sweater and the Peppermint Purple 2021 stitch along. I had to set the sweater aside for a few days while I waited for the yarn shop up here to be open. I broke the needle size that I needed for the bottom ribbing on a Saturday evening and the shop was closed Sunday and Monday. And of course I couldn’t have nothing to knit on while I waited, so I started a pair of socks. I got to the store to buy the needles I needed and got the bottom ribbing done so it was then time to start the sleeves. And as much as I searched everywhere, I couldn’t find the needle sizes in double pointed that I needed for the sleeves. So back to the store I went for double pointed needles. I managed to find in my needle stash every size except for the ones I needed. I don’t know if I had them and lost them or never had them to begin with.  Anyhow, all is good again. I am thankful for a local yarn shop that is well stocked and only 5 minutes away. It is called Knitting Three Together. So here is the sweater with the sleeves started and the body finished. For the socks I grabbed a ball of wool from my stash that had all kinds of fun bright colours to counter act a bit the very dark grey days we’ve been having lately. And then the stitch along project is here. 

I have yet to do this week’s square. That is on my to do list for part of today’s stitching. I’d rather not fall behind again if I can help it.

I’m linking up to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching.

I actually have some quilty stuff to talk about, but I’ll do a separate post about that later this week.


  1. Nice socks! Glad you were able to get the needles you needed locally. Your peppermint purple sampler looks great. Not long to go now until it is finished.

  2. Such pretty socks! I'm glad your knitting woes worked out! Your embroidery stitch along is so beautiful - so much detail!

  3. Oh wow, your Anisia Sweater is gorgeous. LOVE that yoke. Fun and colourful socks, too.

  4. Your sweater is very pretty. Love that knitting store although haven't been there in awhile. I have quite the collection of sock yarn and even think I have that colour with the self striping!!

  5. I love that sweater. The yoke is beautiful. That sock yarn is so pretty. I have to try socks soon. I enjoy seeing your stitch along project grow.

  6. Your blackwork looks terrific! I love Peppermint Purple. Your sweater is gorgeous and coming along nicely!!! :)

  7. I hear you about the knitting needles! I'm currently knitting an "Antler" cardigan for grandson #2 for Christmas. The one I'm knitting for myself is almost done, so I know that I have the correct needle size - I just knit my sweater with that size, so where are they? (They'll show up as soon as I get home from London Yarns with replacements..!) Love the sweater- and your PP piece is beautiful!


I love reading all your comments, and am grateful for each one. I try very hard to answer them all, but lately I haven’t quite been able to answer all of them.