I've made a lot of progress on La Passacaglia, although by looking at the picture, the progress doesn't show. All of the top rosettes are now all stitched into place. The one at the bottom left with the orange star points is new. I'm trying to introduce more of the greens and oranges to try and balance the predominance of blues. I might need to add in some more pinks, too, into this area.
This little combination below is the next one, going with adding in more orange and green, and will sit to the right of the one with the orange star points. The picture is a bit more yellow than in real life. I'm not sure, yet, what colour the star points will be on this one. Maybe that's where some more pink will show up. I am still having tons and tons of fun with this. It makes my day when the fussy cutting turns out like I have pictured in my brain.

In the case of this one down here, the centre part looks even better than I thought it would.
I managed a little bit of stash reduction this week. Enough to keep my numbers going in the right direction.
Used this week: 1.7 yards
Used this year: 21.85 yards
Added this week: 0 yards
Added this year: 19.75 yards
Net stash busted: 2.1 yards
I have fabrics coming in the next few weeks, picked especially to go with La Passacaglia, which are going to mess with the net used numbers. But, I'm having way too much fun with this project to really care all that much. I'm linking this up to Judy's
Fabric Report, Kathy's
Slow Sunday Stitching and Angie's
WIP's Be Gone. Then, I'm going to go and see how much of this next rosette I can get done before we have to go out later this evening.