At the time it hadn’t decided what it wanted to be. The original design in the pattern was intended to be part of a stitchery bag, but I don’t really want to do that. This is the original pattern concept from Crabapple Hill for the Project Bag. But I think it is going to become a pillow cover. I’m thinking it would be fun to have a series of pillow covers all the same size to switch out for various seasons. I have the stitching for the Christmas Tree Lot all finished but still need to do the piecing around the edges. I’ll need to do some playing with size and borders to get the floral stitchery up to the same size.
So while all that is pondering around in my head I’ve started a new set of stitcheries. These too are all from Crabapple Hill and are part of the Summer Kitchen series. I didn’t order all of them, just the ones I like that fit with my style of what I think a summer kitchen should be. I like the overall look of the finished quilt so I think I will do that but add in some of my own pictures in their places. Perhaps some tea cups and cupcakes and things like that. These are amazingly fast to stitch up. Here’s the bowl of cherries. 

If I get uninterrupted time this afternoon I think this will be done today. I’m linking up to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching.