We are on vacation at the moment, camping at Wheatly Provincial Park. What a surprise this park has been. I grew up in Windsor Ontario many many years ago, back in the days when Lake Erie was extremely polluted and a place to be avoided. So it became an ingrained thing in my thinking even after the pollution was cleaned up, that we don’t go to anything on Lake Erie but head up to Lake Huron instead. However this time round we wanted to check out Peelee Island since we’d never been there so we elected to use Wheatly Provincial Park as our home base for exploration. I am sure we’ll be coming back. It is a small park with some lovely campsites and overall has been very quiet even over the weekend. The campsite we are in is very private and large but it had the downside of being in the full sun.

So we got creative with a tarp at the back of our trailer and rigged up a sun porch of sorts.

It’s been a lovely place to rest and read and stitch.
I’ve been able to get lots of hand stitching and knitting done. I don’t have a picture of the knitting but do have pictures of the hand stitching.All the ten pointed stars that go around the centre of my Battle of the Stars by Willyne Hammerstein are done. I had these finished before we left last Sunday.
The last three have been done this week.
Now I can start to add them all around the centre. Some of them as you can see, already have their setting dark blue pieces in place. The rest of them I’ll do as I get to them. I laid the whole thing out on the grass in our shady spot to get an idea of where they will all go and what it looks like.

I can reference this picture as I go to remind me of which star goes where.
I’m linking up to Kathy’s
Slow Sunday Stitching. Then I think it will be time for some lunch and some more stitching outside. We head home tomorrow, so I want to enjoy as much of this day outside as I can.