We have been very productive at Prayers and Squares lately. However I haven’t been very good at getting pictures of what we’ve been doing. We’ve gotten a couple of 3 years quilts done. One using a very pretty floral fabric with some coordinates. Pat’s face can be seen peeking over the top of that one.
And another using a panel of butterfly squares also using some coordinating fabrics. We also finished the star quilt using up some wildlife fabrics. The centre of the stars have moose and bears and Canada geese in them There is more of this fabric left, so I have plans for it.While browsing on pattern websites I found a pattern that I absolutely love which uses multiple sizes of flying geese. The pattern is called Got Geese.
I love making flying geese units, so I found some odds and ends of earth tone fabrics and started in on the making a couple of weeks ago. It grabbed my attention so strongly that I now have it done, other than an outer border. And that new one using up the wildlife fabrics, I have an Electric quilt mock up for it. The geese are almost all made and ready to sew into the blocks. That’s all the news I have from our group. I’ll link up to Mid Week Makers
Leo’s Mane Sew Along
Flying geese are probably my least favorite blocks to piece, but I really like your EQ design. What method for making flying geese do you use? sueclive at aol dot com