Yesterday, before work, I managed to get the third block of Pieceful Kwilter's BOM done. Here's a pic. I have today off, and am going to use it to get a start on that postage stamp quilt. I was hoping to get the binding made, and sewn onto my daughter's wedding quilt, but, the silly girl's alarm didn't go off this morning. So, instead of being safely at school, and out of the way, she's here, at home, where she can walk in on me at any time, and I want this quilt to remain sight unseen till they actually receive it in June. She is getting married on June 12, to a wonderful young man, who loves her to pieces, and takes tender care of her. This is our second wedding in a year. Our son, Noel, got married last August, in Hawaii, to a lovely young lady who takes good care of him. We are so blessed to love both our in-laws. We know so many people who cannot stand their children's spouses. How awful that must be. They live in Collingwood, ontario, which is about 3 hours north of London. Noel is quite a talented photographer, and sent us these photos that he took while out on a winter stroll last week.
Leo’s Mane Sew Along
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Third block done
Yesterday, before work, I managed to get the third block of Pieceful Kwilter's BOM done. Here's a pic. I have today off, and am going to use it to get a start on that postage stamp quilt. I was hoping to get the binding made, and sewn onto my daughter's wedding quilt, but, the silly girl's alarm didn't go off this morning. So, instead of being safely at school, and out of the way, she's here, at home, where she can walk in on me at any time, and I want this quilt to remain sight unseen till they actually receive it in June. She is getting married on June 12, to a wonderful young man, who loves her to pieces, and takes tender care of her. This is our second wedding in a year. Our son, Noel, got married last August, in Hawaii, to a lovely young lady who takes good care of him. We are so blessed to love both our in-laws. We know so many people who cannot stand their children's spouses. How awful that must be. They live in Collingwood, ontario, which is about 3 hours north of London. Noel is quite a talented photographer, and sent us these photos that he took while out on a winter stroll last week.
heya cathy!
ReplyDeletei've been to london ontario back in my college was really really flat! and cold...
your block looks bee-u-tee-full! thanks for sewing along!
London is flat, and cold in the winter. If I could move Florida's winters up to Canada, I'd be one happy person. LOL I'm having fun, sewing along. Like sewing with friends, without having to go out in the cold, or having to clean up the room before they come over. heheh